TELLER Question and Answers

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Question: Which of the following type of money transfer is not allowed by TELLER application?
Answer: Outward remittance using MT103
Question: An XYZ bank implementing T24, USD is the local currency. Teller application is used to buy and sell foreign currencies. Which currency market would be used while buying GBP cash against EURO cash?
Answer: Market indicated in DEAL.MARKET field in TELLER.TRANSACTION would be used.
Question: A bank physically counts the number of currency notes using counting machines.Does the bank still require to set the application TELLER.DENOMINATION?
Answer: Setting up TELLER.DENOMINATION is not mandatory under any situation. It is optional if the Bank wants to record denomination of Currency and / or Travelers' cheque handled
Question: How many vaults can be set up in T24 as central cash holding areas ?
Answer: For each Company / Book of the Bank, it is possible to set up to 9999 Tills and/or Vaults. At least 1 vault is mandatory
Question: While dealing in foreign currencies, a bank wants to permit its Tellers to modify the exchange rates defaulted by T24 within pre-defined variance for some Customers. If the rates input by them exceed the variance, it expects T24 to indicate the extent of variance. How can this be achieved?
Answer: This can be achieved by setting the value 3 in the RATE of TELLER.PARAMETER
Question: A Bank wants to separately book the exchange profit or loss arising out of Teller Transactions by comparing the buy / sell rate of the transaction to the middle rate. How can this be parameterised in T24?
Answer: This is parameterised through TELLER.PARAMETER by using MKT.EXCH.METHOD Field
Question: A Bank's policy does not permit to transfer any shortage in Till cash to Shortages, while overages are to be automatically transferred to an internal account. How can this be parameterised in T24?
Answer: It is mandatory to provide Category codes for Overages and Shortages in TELLER.PARAMETER. However by operational control, the Bank can prevent shortages from getting transferred if it does not authorise such transactions.
Question: Where are the category codes that could be used as Teller cash accounts defined?
Question: A Bank wants to have separate internal accounts to indicate cash with each Teller. It has indicated Category code for internal account for cash as 10000 in the concerned records in TELLER.TRANSACTION.How can this be done in T24?
Answer: T24 will automatically maintain cash balance of each Teller in a separate Internal account, by using the Teller Id as part of Internal Account Id
Question: While handling GBP cash against local currency USD, the amount to be handled by a Teller is always proposed to be rounded off to the nearest unit of "1". The resultant profit or loss shall be borne by the Bank. How can this be parameterised in T24?
Answer: In CURRENCY table for GBP, MIN.ROUND.AMOUNT Field should be set as "1". In addition, In TELLER.PARAMETER, PL Category to be used for rounding the Teller Net amount should be indicated.
Question: A Bank collects charges of USD 10 for Cash deposit done through Teller transactions. It wants to show the charges collected as separate entries from the transaction entries. For other teller transactions, either there are no charges and even if they are, they are not to be shown separately. Is this possible in T24?
Answer: In TELLER.TRANSACTION, for Cash deposit transactions, if SPLIT.CHRG.ENTRIES is opted as Yes, then this is possible
Question: What is the purpose of Multi line deal in TELLER ?
Answer: Multi-line deals allow the user to process multiple transactions for the same Customer while building a running total for charge/commissions. The total of sales is taken into consideration before applying default such as minimum commission.
Question: What is the maximum number of tills that could be allotted to a User at the same time in T24?
Answer: Generally only one. But by Opting for Multi Tills in TELLER.PARAMETER, up to a maximum of Ninety nine tills can be allotted based on settings in MAX.TILLS field
Question: While defining records in TELLER.TRANSACTION, what type of transaction code should be defined in TRANSACTION.CODE.1 field?
Answer: Transaction code could allow either Debit or Credit. T24 will ensure that the transaction code used in the other side is of opposite sign
Question: Is it possible to input a Transaction in TELLER application without using a pre-defined TELLER.TRANSACTION?
Answer: No. It is not possible
Question: If side 1 of a TELLER.TRANSACTION should allow credit to foreign currency accounts of Customers, what should be the value in VALID.CURRENCIES.1 Field?
Answer: Can be set as "FOREIGN" or "ANY". But it is ideal to set as "FOREIGN" to be specific
Question: If side 1 of a TELLER.TRANSACTION should only allow credit to foreign currency accounts of Customers, what should be the value in VALID.ACCOUNTS.1 Field?
Question: If side 1 of a TELLER.TRANSACTION should allow credit to foreign currency accounts of Customers, what should be the value in CAT.DEPT.CODE.1 Field?
Answer: Should be left blank
Question: A TELLER.TRANSACTION record is to be created for Till to Till transfer. How should this be done ?
Answer: Side 1 and Side 2 accounts should be defined as Internal accounts with Category code for Cash. TELLER.TRANSFER Field should be set as Yes.
Question: A TELLER.TRANSACTION record is to be created for transfer between accounts of a Customer. How should this be done ?
Answer: Side 1 and Side 2 accounts should be defined as Customer accounts. CUST.AC.TRANSFER Field should be set as Yes
Question: How does each side of a TELLER.TRANSACTION record get its accounting sign ?
Answer: The accounting sign is derived from the Debit Credit Sign of the underlying TRANSACTION code used
Question: What is the effect of setting CUST.AC.TRANSFER Field as Yes in TELLER.TRANSACTION ?
Answer: If the transfer is between accounts of two different customers, then override is generated to that effect
Question: If TELLER.ID record is created for Vault, who should be indicated as User to be attached to that ?
Answer: USER Field should be left blank for this record
Question: In T24, how is a Vault closed at the close of business?
Answer: A Vault is neither opened or closed. STATUS Field should be always left blank
Question: In T24, how is a Vault opened at the start of business?
Answer: A Vault is neither opened or closed. STATUS Field should be always left blank
Question: A Bank wants to apply concessional charges to different groups of Customers in TELLER application. How can this be done in T24?
Answer: APPL.GEN.CONDITION and TT.GROUP.CONDITION tables should be set up
Question: A Bank wants to apply concessional charges to Customers based on their Residence, in TELLER application. Is this possible in T24 and how ?
Answer: Yes. If RESIDENCE field is defined in STANDARD.SELECTION for TELLER as System Type ‘J’ and joined to CUSTOMER application as CUSTOMER>;CUSTOMER>;RESIDENCE, we can form groups of people based on residence in APPL.GEN.CONDITION.
Question: A Bank wants to give concessional charges only for select Customers and not groups of Customers in TELLER application. Is this possible in T24 and how ?
Answer: In TT.GROUP.CONDITION, rules can be set for individual Customers by using Id as C-NNNNN (C-Customer Id)
Question: What types of concession can be applied to Customer groups in TELLER application ?
Answer: Concessions on specific or ALL Charges and Commissions as well as Concessions on Rate spread are possible
Question: When a Customer withdraws cash in TELLER application, a Bank wants to apply only USD 5 instead of the standard charge of 0.1% of transaction value with a minimum of USD 10. Is this possible to be parameterised in T24 through TT.GROUP.CONDITION ?
Answer: Yes. By specifying the Charge currency and amount, it is possible to collect a flat amount
Question: A Bank has a standard charge of 1% of transaction value for Cash withdrawal in TELLER application, with a minimum charge of USD 15. A specific group of Customers are charged only 50% of the standard charge. If a customer of this group withdraws cash of USD 1,000 in TELLER application, what will be the amount of charges collected by T24?
Answer: USD 15
Question: A Bank wants to issue Pass Book, instead of statement of account to a Customer's current account. Is this possible in T24?
Answer: Yes. It is possible if the current account category is included in ACCOUNT.CLASS file for record Id SAVINGS and Passbook is opted in the Account
Question: In TELLER.PASSBOOK, format for Passbook can be defined. Which of the following requirement cannot be defined there?
Answer: Customer's address not to be indicated when an additional passbook is issued after the first book is exhausted. These details should appear only on the first book
Question: From which of the following files it is not possible for TELLER.PASSBOOK to have data?
Question: A Customer deposits USD 30,000 cash into his three different USD accounts, each with USD 10,000. A Bank wants to do this through a single deal instead of inputting 3 separate deals. Is this possible in T24?
Answer: Side 1 of a Transaction in TELLER application has multi value facility. Hence, if TELLER.TRANSACTION is designed to have the first side as Customer type of Account, then this can be done
Question: A Bank wants its Tellers to input Serial Number as well as Denomination of Travelers' cheques while handling their sale or purchase. How can this be ensured in Internal account for stock control of Travelers' cheques ?
Answer: STOCK.CONTROL.TYPE Field in the Internal account should be marked as SERIAL and SERIAL.NO.FORMAT should be filled up
Question: A Bank wants to use Cheque management and collection facility of T24. It wants its Customer's account to reflect the proceeds of Cheques as soon as they are lodged for collection. Is this possible in T24?
Answer: Yes. Online actual balance of Customer's accounts will reflect this balance if CQ.PARAMETER is set to have a Cheque Deposit transaction code without a Suspense account and if that transaction code is used to collect the cheque.
Question: A Bank wants to use Cheque management and collection facility of T24. It wants its Customer's account to get the cleared balance automatically as soon as Cheques are lodged for collection. Is this possible in T24?
Answer: Yes. Online cleared balance of Customer's accounts will reflect this balance automatically if CQ.PARAMETER is set to have a Cheqeu Deposit transaction code without a Suspense and if that Transaction code is used along with having Exposure date the same day as that of the Cheque Deposit.
Question: Which of the following is true about CC module in T24?
Answer: Cheque collection processing could be done in two methods – Crediting Customer account directly, but not allowing withdrawal till cleared. Crediting an Internal account initially till fate is known and crediting Customer account only if cleared.
Question: Which application should be used in T24 to book Cheques for Collection ?
Answer: Could be done through TELLER, or FUNDS.TRANSFER or DATA.CAPTURE as long as they use the specified Transaction codes. But it is operationally easy to handle through TELLER or FUNDS.TRANSFER
Question: A Bank using Cheque Collection, wants to make proceeds of Cheques sent for collection, available for withdrawal, automatically after 2 days of lodging. Is this possible in T24?
Answer: Yes. Online cleared balance of Customer's accounts will reflect this balance after 2 days if CQ.PARAMETER is set accordingly
Question: If the CHQ.STATUS Field in CHEQUE.COLLECTION displays value of CLEARING, then what is the significance?
Answer: The cheque has been grouped in CHEQUE.BATCH and hence the status has automatically changed as CLEARING in CHEQUE.COLLECTION
Question: If the CHQ.STATUS Field in CHEQUE.COLLECTION displays value of CLEARING, then what is the accounting entry generated ?
Answer: No accounting entry is generated
Question: A Bank wants to defer collecting charges on cheques sent for collection till the cheques are cleared or returned. Is this possible in T24?
Answer: In TELLER.TRANSACTION, it is possible to set field DEFER.CHARGES as Yes. If this transaction is used for cheques collection, then the charges can be deferred
Question: Customer of T24 bank in London wants to debit his USD account by USD 500 and credit his wife's account with another bank in New York ? How can this be done in TELLER?
Answer: This is a payment instruction. Cannot be done in Teller
Question: According to local clearing system, Bank wants to expose the cheque amount up to USD 500 in 2 days from the day it was deposited, and up to USD 5000 in 10 days time. How can this be set in T24?
Answer: Setup EXPOSURE.CONDITION appropriately and link it to the appropriate Transaction or Sort Code table.
Question: Which of the following algorithms is used by T24 when it automatically denominates cash for the amount being withdrawn?
Answer: Starting from highest denomination to lowest denomination
Question: What is the accounting system that the Teller Transactions can follow in T24?
Answer: Trade Dated or Value Dated Accounting
Question: How T24 will enable Bank to issue Passbook for an account?
Answer: The account categories which are eligible for Passbook issue are specified in ACCOUNT.CLASS. The bank also has to decide at the account level whether Passbook is required.
Question: Can the Passbook layout be customised for a Bank?
Answer: There is no standard layout for Passbook. The physical lay out and the contents of the passbook can be customised as per the Bank's requirements
Question: How in T24 a Teller can reprint entries of a passbook?
Answer: TELLER.PASSBOOK.REPRINT application is used to update pass book with Verify function
Question: Does the System in T24 allow reprint of transactions in Passbook?
Answer: The teller will be able to make a request for reprint between two dates. The teller will have to give the account number and the range of dates and then verify the record
Question: Can a Till to Till transfer be done in any currency?
Answer: Yes. Till to Till transfer can be done in local currency and foreign currency through the Teller Operations sub-menu using the Till Transfer option.
Question: What Accounting entries can be generated by Teller under Trade Dated accounting?
Question: How is TC stock registered or accounted in T24?
Answer: TC stock is accounted in T24 through an internal account opened for the purpose.
Question: Can the account currency be different from the TC currency in case of sale and purchase of TCs through customer's account?
Answer: The account currency can be different from the TC currency in case of sale and purchase of TCs. If so, an exchange rate will be defaulted from the CURRENCY table.
Question: In TELLER.TRANSACTION, what can be the currency market for charges to be recovered?
Answer: It should be the market of side 2 of the transaction.
Question: What is the use of Multi Tills facility?
Answer: It provides for multiple tills to user so that user can transfer funds to his other tills when his balance goes beyond his limit or short.
Question: In TELLER.TRANSACTION, which of the following is true about the value that can be entered in the field DEAL.MARKET?
Answer: None of the above.
Question: TFS module supports Teller, Funds Transfer and Data Capture operations. In which table , parameterisation is done for all the functions of TFS?
Answer: While FT and TT parameterisation is done respective parameters, DC related transactions are parameterised in TFS.PARAMETER
Question: What kind of consolidation is enabled in TFS?
Answer: Deal slips and accounting entries of customer accounts can be consolidated
Question: Which one of the following is true about reversal of TFS transactions?
Answer: If History reversal is enabled in FT.TXN.TYPE.CONDITION for an FT Child transaction, TFS will simply reverse the FT from History.
Question: What is not true about primary account?
Answer: If consolidation is not enabled, primary account is mandatory input.
Question: Does TFS support intercompany transactions? If so how?
Answer: TFS can transact on another company provided CUSTOMER file of the logged company is shared by other company
Question: How a swift transfer is done in TFS?
Answer: TFS supports Swift transfer through child transaction in FT
Question: How Market exchange profit is calculated in Teller?
Answer: It can be calculated for specific transactions or all
Question: What should be the field value of SURROGATE.AC in TFS Transaction?
Answer: ACCOUNT.DR or ACCOUNT.CR based on side of primary account
Question: A bank implementing T24, wants to force its teller to update the stock remaining in their tills. How can this be achieved?
Answer: This can be achieved by setting the field STOCK.UPD as YES in TELLER.PARAMETER and TELLER.ID
Question: An amount of USD 5000 is debited from account 1111 and credited to account 2222. Bank collects charges for this transaction. Which account needs to be specifed to collect the charge?
Answer: Any account can be defined as the charge account.
Question: Following are the values set in TELLER.ID. What does this mean? Local currency is USD TILL.LIMIT = YES LIMIT.CATEGORY = 10001 EXCLUDE.CCY = JPY LIMIT.CCY = GBP LIMIT.AMOUNT = 1000
Answer: This means that the limit check facility is switched on for this teller, there is no limit check for JPY transactions but for GBP it is limited to GBP 1000
Question: A customer wishes to perform funds transfer transaction between his foreign currency accounts. However, he wants to pay charges only in cash, in Local Currency. How can this be achieved in T24 ?
Answer: Not possible in T24
Question: A customer wants to collect charges arising from a teller transaction between his current accounts to be funded from his savings account. How can this be achieved in T24?
Answer: By suitable setup in TELLER.TRANSACTION
Question: A customer transfer transaction is wrongly posted in a branch. The branch staff realised the mistake next day. What should be done to correct the mistake?
Answer: New Teller transaction should be raised to offset previous transaction
Question: What is the total number of tills that can be allocated to users?
Answer: 9998
Question: MAX.SUB.ACCOUNT is setup for an account and transactions are posted in sub account. What entries will be printed in the passbook in T24?
Answer: Entries posted to Sub account
Question: A bank has Multi TILL setup. TILLUSER1 has two TILLs - 1234 opened since 9am in BNK company and and 5678 opened since 11am in CO2 company . Which TILL will be used for transactions in browser from CO2 Company?
Answer: 5678
Question: What is the total number of TILLs that can be allocated as Vault in a multi-book setup?
Answer: Based on configuration in parameter table
Question: In a Multi-book environment , Main company has 3 books. MAX.TILLS is set to 3. An user has been allocated with 3 Teller IDs- One in main company and the others in books. What would happen if the same user is to be allocated with another Teller ID?
Answer: Already 3 Teller IDs are allotted and hence, system will throw error message that new TELLER.ID cannot be created
Question: In a Multi-book environment , Main company has 3 books. MAX.TILLS is set to 3. An user has been allocated with 2 Teller IDs in main company and the 1 in books. What would happen if the same user is to be allocated with another Teller ID?
Answer: Already 3 are utilised and hence, system will throw error message that new Teller ID cannot be opened
Question: TILLUSER1 has 1234 as Master TILL and 5678 as Linked TILL. Max TILL is set as 3 in the company . TILLUSER1 is sick and hence he needs to CLOSE all TILLs. How can this be achieved in T24?
Answer: Each TILL must be closed individually by entering the balances
Question: TILLUSER1 has TILL 1234 as Master TILL and 5678 as Linked TILL. Max TILL is set as 3. TILLUSER1 needs to OPEN all TILLs at the same time. How can this be achieved in T24?
Answer: Open the TILL 1234 and TILL 5678 will be automatically opened
Question: TILLUSER1 has TILL 1234, 3456 and 5678 with 1234 as Master TILL and others as Linked TILLs. All TILLs are in OPEN Status and Max TILL is set as 2. TILLUSER1 wants to Close all TILLs simultaneously. How can this be achieved?
Answer: Not possible in T24
Question: A customer wants to deposit cash, cheques, bill payments and currency exchange in a single transaction. Which application supports this?
Question: Which type of accounts can be input in the Primary account field of a TFS transaction?
Answer: Customer and Internal Accounts
Question: TELLER.FINANCIAL.SERVICES is an integration of which of the following applications?
Answer: All of the above
Question: A customer wants to deposit cash, cheques, bill payments and currency exchange in a single transaction. Which application supports this?
Question: Which type of accounts can be input in the Primary account field of a TFS transaction?
Answer: Customer and Internal Accounts
Question: TELLER.FINANCIAL.SERVICES is an integration of which of the following applications?
Answer: All of the above
Question: When are the DATA.CAPTURE related transactions consolidated in an TFS transaction ?
Answer: Field CONSOLIDATE.NOW is set to YES
Question: ID of TFS.TRANSACTION can be
Answer: Any alphanumeric charactors
Question: A Bank does not want to use Cheque Collection, however it wants to hold the amounts till the same is cleared. How is this possible using TFS ?
Answer: Set the EXPOSURE.METHOD field to LOCK
Question: A Bank does not want to use Cheque Collection but it wants to force future exposure dates for such credits. How can this be achieved in TFS ?
Question: What happens to Cheque collection entries when EXPOSURE.METHOD is set to LOCK in TFS.PARAMETER ?
Answer: The entries are posted to the ACCOUNT and an AC.LOCKED.EVENTS record created for the ACCOUNT till the forward exposure date.
Question: What happens to Cheque collection entries when EXPOSURE.METHOD is set to FLOAT in TFS.PARAMETER?
Answer: The entries are posted to the ACCOUNT with the future EXPOSURE.DATE
Question: The Teller using the TFS screen must be displayed with a minimum of 8 lines for input. How can this be achieved ?
Answer: Set the AUTO.EXPAND.LEGS field to 8
Question: Is it possible for a Bank to enforce Currency wise limits per leg of the transaction input by the TELLER through TFS. How can this be achieved ?
Answer: Yes. Set the field TRANSACTION.LIMIT to USER.INPUT.LEGS in TFS.PARAMETER and define currency wise limit in the multi value
Question: A Bank wants to define Currency wise limit for the consolidated value of transactions done through TFS? Is this possible in TFS ?
Answer: Yes. Set the field TRANSACTION.LIMIT to CONSOLIDATE.LEGS in TFS.PARAMETER and define currency wise limit in the multi value
Question: A Bank wants to post a single consolidated entry to the primary account of a Customer, for all the transactions input through TFS . Is this possible ?
Answer: Possible by enabling consolidation and setting CONSOL.METHOD to NET in TFS.PARAMETER alongwith WASHTHRU.CATEGORY
Question: What is the default consolidation basis in TFS transactions?
Question: A Bank has defined LIMIT.CCY as GBP and CCY.LIMIT as 5000 at TFS.PARAMETER. At the TFS.TRANSACTION level it has defined LIMIT.CCY as EUR and CCY.LIMIT as 1000. What happens if a transaction for GBP1000 is input using the TFS.TRANSACTION ?
Answer: The transaction is processed without any override, as system will consider the Parameter setting in absence of the same at the TFS.TRANSACTION level
Question: A Bank has defined LIMIT.CCY as GBP and CCY.LIMIT as 1000 at TFS.PARAMETER. At the TFS.TRANSACTION level it has defined LIMIT.CCY as EUR and CCY.LIMIT as 1000. What happens if a transaction for GBP5000 is input using the TFS.TRANSACTION ?
Answer: The transaction will raise an override, as system will consider the Parameter setting in absence of the same at the TFS.TRANSACTION level.
Question: A Bank has defined LIMIT.CCY as GBP and CCY.LIMIT as 1000 at TFS.PARAMETER. At the TFS.TRANSACTION level it has defined LIMIT.CCY as EUR, GBP and CCY.LIMIT as 1000, 5000 respectively. What happens if a transaction for GBP3000 is input using the TFS.TRANSACTION?
Answer: The transaction is processed without any override, as system will consider the setting in TFS.TRANSACTION
Question: A Teller inputting transactions through TFS realised that he was using the wrong TFS.TRANSACTION code and modified the same. However the change is not reflected in CHG.AMT field. Why?
Answer: Not defined in the RESET.FIELDS of TFS.PARAMETER
Question: An FT transaction
Answer: Open the TFS transaction in Input mode and Set the REVERSAL.MARK to R, against the leg corresponding to that FT transaction, Input and Authorise TFS.
Question: An individual FT transaction input through TFS that has not been consolidated, needs to be reversed. But the related FUNDS.TRANSFER record is in HISTORY. How will the reversal be handled, if the field HIS.REVERSAL is set as Y in FT.TXN.TYPE.CONDITION?
Answer: TFS reverses the FUNDS.TRANSFER transaction in HISTORY
Question: An individual FT transaction in HISTORY, input through TFS which has not been consolidated, needs to be reversed. But in the related FT.TXN.TYPE.CONDITION record, field HIS.REVERSAL has not been set to Y. What happens to the reversal?
Answer: TFS raises reversal entries through DATA.CAPTURE and uses the default codes defined in TFS.PARAMETER
Question: A Bank wants to set currency handling limits in their local currency. Is this possible in TFS and how?
Answer: Yes it is possible. Set LCY.LIMIT field in TFS.PARAMETER or TFS.TRANSACTION with the local currency amounts. System will validate with the local currency equivalent for FCY transactions also.
Question: A FT transaction, part of a batch, input through TFS which has been consolidated, needs to be reversed. The FUNDS.TRANSFER record is in HISTORY. How will the reversal be handled, if the field HIS.REVERSAL is set as 'Y' in the related FT.TXN.TYPE.CONDITION?
Answer: TFS will not reverse an individual transaction, if the same has been consolidated.
Question: A Customer wants to deposit 5 cheques and part of the cash that he brought into his current account and the remaining cash into his friends savings account. What is the easiest solution to handle this as a single transaction in TFS ?
Answer: It is not possible to include the account of another customer in a TFS transaction
Question: A customer has deposited cash and cheques towards bill payment. The net of the transactions is "0" with consolidation enabled. What entries are raised in TFS if field CONSOL.AMT.ZERO in TFS.PARAMETER is set to "FORCE.GROSS"?
Answer: TFS will raise GROSS consolidation with one credit and one debit entry towards the account for the transactions.
Question: A Bank wants to setup NET consolidation is such a way that if the consolidated NET amount is 0 then the consolidation should be ignored and individual entries to be posted to the customer account. How can this be achieved in TFS ?
Answer: This can be achieved by setting the field CONSOL.AMT.ZERO to UNDO.CONSOLIDATION in TFS.PARAMETER
Answer: B
Question: A Bank has received a set of Cheques for collection, Cash and a Cheque to credit another account by debit to his account. What is the most efficient way for this to be handled in TFS ?
Answer: The PRIMARY.ACCOUNT field is input with the Customer's account number. In the "Credit to other account" leg, the other Customer's account number is input in the ACCOUNT field.
Question: A Customer wants to deposit 5 cheques and part of cash into his current account and the balance cash into his savings account. How to handle this as a single transaction in TFS ?
Answer: In the TFS transaction set Current account as the PRIMARY.ACCOUNT and in the savings account leg input the Savings account number in the ACCOUNT field.
Question: What does a Surrogate account in TFS stand for?
Answer: Surrogate account denotes the account input in the ACCOUNT field of a TFS transaction, which is other than the PRIMARY.ACCOUNT.
Question: The field SPLIT.CHRG.ENTRIES is used to:
Answer: Post the teller transaction amount and charges and taxes as separate entries
Question: The field TILL.BAL.AUTH.ERROR in TELLER Parameters permits the value of YES or NULL. A value of YES indicates:
Answer: A credit balance in the cash till will raise an error message at the time of transaction.
Question: The field LIMIT.CATEGORY in the TELLER.ID application is a field which will:
Answer: Accept a value in the CATEGORY table, provided it the CATEGORY has been defined in TELLER.PARAMETER and is used to distinguish TILL limits for different Instrument types
Question: The application TT.TELLER.HP.VERSIONS is used for:
Answer: Defaulting a the version in which the transaction was input when a teller transaction is called
Question: Which of the following is not a valid application for selecting a passbook entry field: 1) CATEGORY 2) TRANSACTION 3) STMT.ENTRY 4) CATEG.ENTRY
Question: In a TFS transaction there are 4 debits and 6 credits. If consolidation is set to NET in the field CONSOL.METHOD in the TFS.PARAMETER application, the system will post:
Answer: A consolidated entry in the customer account which could be debit or credit
Question: If consolidation is enabled in TFS.PARAMETER application, it implies:
Answer: System will consolidate all entries to the PRIMARY.ACCOUNT input by user in the TFS screen
Question: The ID definition for cheques can be validated against the field STOCK.REGISTER.ID in the application STOCK.REGISTER. True or False?
Answer: TRUE
Question: When a teller sells Travellers cheques to a customer, the system reverses the TC CONTRA account entry, and there are no additional entries required. TRUE or FALSE?
Answer: FALSE
Question: The application TT.GROUP.CONDITION can be used to specify charges only for a group of customers, example HNW customers. True or False?
Answer: FALSE
Question: An entry in STOCK.ENTRY creates a record in a live file. The file and ID format is:
Question: A consolidation wash through account enables the following:
Answer: Enables consolidation of two or more debit or credit entries into one entry.
Question: It is possible for the TFS application to calculate a consolidated charge if the field "CONSOLIDATION" is enabled. True or False?
Answer: FALSE
Question: When setting up consolidation parameters for TFS, the value in the field CONSOL.METHOD is set to GROSS. This would imply that all the debits and credits would be netted off and one entry passed into the customer account. True or False?
Answer: False.
Question: The field CONSOL.LEVEL.ADDON in TFS.PARAMETER is used to define additional consolidation levels, other than the value date of a transaction. The possible additional levels are: 1.CURRENCY. 2.TFS transaction type. 3. Currency and TFS Transaction type. True of False?
Answer: TRUE
Question: A teller is perming a TFS transaction. The following transactions take place: 1. An internal transfer cheque credit for USD1000/- 2. A cash withdrawal of USD 500/- 3. An internal transfer debit of USD 500/-. If the field CONSOL.METHOD in TFS.PARAMETER is set as NET and the net amount is zero in this case, what would happen?
Answer: The treatment of the net entry in the customer's primary account is configurable.
Question: If the value of the field DEFER.CHARGES is set as YES then:
Answer: Collection charges for a cheque are collected when the status of the cheque sent for collection is set to certain values.
Question: If the value of the field DEFER.CHARGES is set to NO, in TELLER.TRANSACTIONS, then the following is true:
Answer: Charges are collected upfront when the cheque collection record is created.
Question: The surrogate account concept in TFS is used in tandem with the primary account. If user enters a primary account number and a leg of the TFS transaction shows FROM, this implies:
Answer: It is a user definable Configuration
Question: TILLUSER1 has TILL 1234 as Master TILL ans 5678 as Linked TILL. Max TILL is set as 3. TILLUSER1 needs to OPEN all TILLs at the same time. How can this be achieved in T24?
Answer: Open the TILL 1234 and TILL 5678 will be automatically opened
Question: What wil happen if a TILL is closed with shortage?
Answer: Override will be raised to warn the user and upon authorization, difference will be posted to SHORT.CATEGORY
Question: If the value of the DEFER.CHARGES is set as YES then:
Answer: Collection charges for a cheque are collected when the status of the cheque sent for collection is set to certain values.
Question: TILLUSER1 has TILL 1234, 3456, 5678 with 1234 as Master TILL and others as Linked TILLs. All TILLs are in OPEN status. TILLUSER1 wants to Close all TILLs simultaneously. Can this be achieved?
Answer: No, this cannot be achieved.
Question: While printing the passbook, can only predefined keywords such as BALANCE be used (or) can free text be defined to be printed as well?
Question: What should be the field value for SURROGATE.AC in TFS Transaction?
Question: If the field CHECK.STOCKAMT is marked as Y in TELLER-PARAMETER, the system would:
Answer: Check for denominations for the relevant side 1 account, when sidel is multi-valued
Question: If a particular transaction is defined as indirect clearing in ACCOUNT.PARAMETER, then the system would not consider the settings in CQ.PARAMETER as ACCOUNT.PARAMETER is a top level file. True or False?
Answer: FALSE

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