LIMIT Question and Answers

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Question: A customer's Limit has to be temporarily withdrawn because of risk worries. How can this be achieved ?
Answer: AVAILABLE.MARKER field in LIMIT should be set as "N"
Question: When is the override "No match with LIMIT.PARAMETER" generated ?
Answer: When Limit reference on the contract is not in accordance with that set in LIMIT.PARAMETER table
Question: How can we stop a customer of a group from enjoying a Limit granted to the Liability customer when limits are NOT set at individual customer level?
Answer: By using RESTRICTED.CUST field in the limit granted to Liability customer
Question: A Bank has defined two limit products 100 and 200 of LIMIT.REFERENCE as risks associated with Loans of Category code 21051 in LIMIT.PARAMETER table. When such a loan is input, which of these risk products would be associated if the Bank has not opted for reporting multiple limit products?
Answer: The first LIMIT.REFERENCE record indicated in LIMIT.PARAMETER for Category code 21051
Question: Which of the following is a valid Id for LIMIT.REFERENCE to define a GLOBAL product ?
Answer: 10000
Question: How many levels of sub products can be defined through LIMIT.REFERENCE?
Answer: Maximum of 10 levels
Question: Which exchange rate is used for revaluation of Limits?
Answer: Rate setup in LIMIT.REFERENCE. Default will be Midrate if no rate is set.
Question: How is a Customer removed from a Customer Liability group ?
Answer: By using LIMIT.CHANGE
Question: In LIMIT.REFERENCE, which could be defined as a valid sub product of a product 4000?
Answer: 4010
Question: Which of the following could be defined as a sub-product at Level 2 in LIMIT.REFERENCE ?
Answer: 4011
Question: What is a FIXED Limit ?
Answer: A Limit with a fixed value, which does not change with change in value of Security.
Question: Where is a risk product linked to a business product in T24?
Question: A customer has two accounts enjoying a single limit of USD 50,000. Bank wants to offset credit balance of USD 20,000 of the first account against a possible debit balance on the second account. What is the maximum debit balance that could be allowed in second account?
Answer: USD 70,000
Question: A Customer is engaged in constructing bridges. A Bank wants to give three limits to this customer to cover three bridge construction projects and direct its lending accordingly. Is this possible in T24?
Answer: Yes. Upto 99 different limits can be given to the same customer for the same limit product
Question: Which of the following can be amended using LIMIT.CHANGE?
Answer: Currency of a Limit line
Question: A Bank wants to schedule reduction of USD 50,000 every month to a Limit sanctioned to one of its Customers. How can this be done?
Answer: By using Repay related fields in the Limit sanctioned
Question: How can we cancel a limit that is not needed any more?
Answer: Expiry date can be set to current date and mark available marker as 'No'
Question: If LIMIT.REFERENCE for FX is 300 how should the first FX limit record be defined for customer 77777 who is part of the liability group of customer 56578 ?
Answer: 56578.300.01.77777
Question: What is the purpose of the field INTERNAL.AMOUNT in a LIMIT record?
Answer: Specifies the maximum exposure that the Bank is prepared to take under a limit line.
Question: Customer 100126 has a global product line of 100126.0010000.01. What would be the correct sub product limit for sub-product 117?
Answer: 100126.0010117.01
Question: In LIMIT.REFERENCE table, a product has been classified as DP in FX.OR.TIME.BAND field. Will this trigger any overrides if a Customer has not been sanctioned due limits for this product?
Answer: No. This is only for information purpose and overrides will not be triggered
Question: In the LIMIT.REFERENCE table, the FX.OR.TIME.BAND field has been left blank for a Product. Which of the following statements is true?
Answer: This is a non-forex or non-time banded product
Question: A Variable limit of USD 25,000 is set to need 200% of underlying collateral. How much of this limit could be used when the collateral value is (a) USD 10,000 and (b) USD 60,000
Answer: (a) USD 5,000 and (b) USD 25,000
Question: What is the purpose of using contingent accounts in the case of Limits?
Answer: Utilised or Unutilised portion of a limit can be shadowed using accounting entries on a contingent account that directs calculated interest and charges to a non-contingent of customer
Question: A Bank wants to set LIMIT.PERCENTAGE field as 110% in LIMIT.REFERENCE for a loan risk product. Is this possible?
Answer: No. Maximum value allowed is only 100. This should be at the lowest level of Product and sub-products.
Question: A 400 million limit is time banded into 250M maturing within 3 months, 100M within 6 months and 50M within 12 months. The 3 months and 12 months portions have been fully utilised. Into which other time band can the 6 months portion be used?
Answer: Into 3 months band
Question: While defining Risk product 100 in LIMIT.REFERENCE, a Bank has not defined any value in GET.SUB.ALLOC field . Later it wants to sub allocate USD 50,000 from the limit of Customer A for product 100 to limit of Customer B for product 200. Will this be allowed?
Answer: Override will be generated. On due approval, sub allocation will happen
Question: A Bank has not set Limit for Loan product for its Customer. When it gives loans, T24 generates override to this effect and Bank duly approves the override. At what level will the System generated limit be created?
Answer: At Product and Sub product.
Question: A Bank has set 10% as underlying risks for Derivative products in LIMIT.PERCENTAGE field in LIMIT.REFERENCE table. Due to market uncertainties, it would now like to revise this rule as 20%. How can this be done?
Answer: Can change this through LIMIT.CHANGE application
Question: A Bank wants to take charges on the limit amount utilised by its customers. Is this possible?
Answer: The utilised / unutilised portion of a limit can be shadowed using a Contingent account, charges and interest can be calculated
Question: How can you link limit amounts into the Asset and Liability consolidation reporting?
Answer: Set the LIMIT.TO.TAKE field of CONSOLIDATE.COND table
Question: When limit is in GBP and utilisation is in EUR, how is revaluation done? USD is local currency
Answer: Depending on setting in LIMIT.PARAMETER, either mid rate is used or rate combination mentioned in LIMIT.REFERENCE is used
Question: When are currency exposure reports produced?
Answer: Produced as per choice indicated in LIMIT.PARAMETER
Question: All Credit Risk Facility Granted by the Bank are set to expire at the Month End. For Some of the Limits Bank wants to extend the grant by a maximum period of 7 days. How is this possible to Set in Limits?
Answer: It can be extended by entering a date in ADM.EXTENSION.DATE field in LIMIT application
Question: A Bank has not set limit for loans for its Customer. When it gives loans, T24 generates override to this effect and Bank duly approves the override. In which currency would the System generated limit be created?
Answer: Currency defined in LIMIT.PARAMETER
Question: A Bank has not set limit for Account overdrafts for its Customer. When it allows to overdraw the Account , T24 generates override to this effect and Bank duly approves the override. In which currency would the System generated limit be created?
Answer: Default limit will not be created by System for unauthorised overdrafts
Question: While sanctioning Limit to a Customer for loans, a Bank wants to allow USD and GBP and restrict EUR from using SGD limits. Is this possible?
Answer: Either allowed currencies or restricted currencies can be indicated and not both
Question: A customer has several LIMITs which can be used to cover LD deals at the clients discretion. Instead of T24 defaulting the first line that matches, Bank wants its user to select from a list of valid Limits for the deal and client during input. How can this be achieved in T24 ?
Answer: Yes, the FILTER field and it's related fields in LIMIT.PARAMETER can be set to check for valid LIMIT records to match the deals being entered and show only those that match as possible inputs
Question: Can a bank add their own criteria to change the filter process that provides lists of LIMIT records to be used by a deal?
Answer: Yes, the FILTER field allows the use of field names from LIMIT and matching criteria for those fields can be used
Question: Market regulations are increasingly looking at currency risk based on geographic regions. Instead of the bank entering a list of CURRENCY records every time can they create groupings to be used within LIMITs?
Answer: Yes, LIMIT.RANGE can be used to create suitable groupings
Question: A user tries to input a value in field ADM.EXTENSION.DATE in LIMIT application, but is not allowed. What could be the reason for this?
Answer: The field ADM.EXTENSION.DAYS in LIMIT.PARAMETER has been left blank
Question: At setup the LIMIT.PARAMETER field has a value of 31 entered in the field ADM.EXTENSION.DAYS. What effect does this have on the LIMIT?
Answer: This prevents LIMITs from having an extension of expiry date greater than 31 days
Question: When Cross limit structure on a LIMIT has been authorised which of the following will automatically happen?
Answer: The sub product limit records will be produced in INAU status and the LIMITS.MODIFIED field in LIMIT for the product will be updated with the sub product limit ids
Question: If the id of LIMIT.CROSS.PARAMETER is 5000 and the number in the field TOP.CROSS.REF is 5029, how many cross limits will be allowed for this product?
Answer: 29
Question: A Bank desires that while inputting a transaction for a customer in T24, the user should be provided with a list of existing multiple limit references of the customer. Which field in LIMIT.PARAMETER can be used to enable this feature?
Question: A Bank desires to put through a transaction that has its value date as 31/10/09. The Field LAST.DRAW.DATE in LIMIT application for this transaction is 15/10/2009. How will T24 handle this?
Answer: An override will be generated at the time of committing the contract
Question: Which of the following statements is true with regard to Field TOP.CROSS.REF in LIMIT.CROSS.PARAM ?
Answer: It specifies the maximum value of a CROSS Limit Reference that could be used under the PRODUCT. Limit Reference specified in the Id
Question: Which application needs to be set first to create a Cross Limit?
Question: When a CROSS Limit Reference is being estbalished in LIMIT.REFERENCE, the field CROSS.LIMIT is automatically updated with which value?
Answer: PROD
Question: A Bank has set AUTO.RESTORE.ALLOC field to 'N' in LIMIT.SUB.ALLOC application.What effect will this have on the sub allocation?
Answer: The sub-allocation will be allowed until the expiry or until the outstandings are reduced on the receiving Limit so that returning the sub-allocation does not create an excess on the receiving Limit
Question: The field EXPIRY.DATE in the application LIMIT.SUB.ALLOC has been entered with a date that is after the EXPIRY.DATE of the LIMIT, which is being transfered from. What will T24 do?
Answer: T24 will throw error as the Sub Allocation Expiry is Greater then the Limit Expiry.
Question: A Limit is created for a customer in a shared customer set up. Limit currency is USD. A Deal is input for the customer in a Company with Deal currency as GBP which is the local currency. From which company will T24 pick the exchange rates?
Answer: From Customer Company
Question: A Bank wants a setup wherein credit risk monitoring percentages for contracts maturing within 5 years should be 100% and for contracts maturing > 5 years should be 90%. Can this be set in T24?
Answer: Can be set in LIMIT.REFERENCE application
Question: When does T24 do the Currency rate Revaluation of Limits?
Answer: During COB only
Question: A Bank has granted an overdraft credit Limit of 10M for a group concern, wherein customer A (100200) is liable for customer B (100300). Bank wants to Limit customer A to only 7M. How can this be set in T24?
Answer: By setting Limit amount in 100200.100.01.100200
Question: A customer has 3 Accounts which are linked to one Overdraft Limit and he wants that the overdraft amount be calculated based on net total balance of all 3 accounts. How can this be set?
Answer: It needs to be set in respective Account and Limit
Question: In which company will system defaulted Limits be created?
Answer: In the Customer Company
Question: A Customer has been set an Overdraft Limit of 10M at Global level. A user at Bank wants to check how much is utilised. Which is the correct process to get this information?
Answer: By running LIAB enquiry
Question: A customer has a non revolving Loan Limit, a revolving Overdraft and a Forex Limit. These limits have to be monitored for exposure at Global Level. How can this be set in T24?
Answer: Setting 2 global limits, one to monitor the Loan and the other to monitor the rest
Question: A Customer B (100300) has a Sub product Loan Limit. This customer is in a Liability group in which Customer A (100200) is the main customer. What will be the parent record for limit 100200.2010.01.100300?
Answer: 100200.2000.01.100300
Question: What is the purpose of LINK.TO.LIMIT setup in ACCOUNT application?
Answer: To define debit interest rates depending on overdraft Limit amount
Question: A Loan Limit is set for a customer for 10M. A Loan is input for 8M with a Value date of 10 days Future. The Limit is set to sweep the unutilised portion for interest charging purpose. What will be the Amount swept on the date of input of Loan?
Answer: 2M
Question: For a Customer, a Bank wants to automatically increase the Limit amount of a product on a monthly basis by 20,000 for six months. Is this possible to be effected in T24 Limit ?
Answer: Yes, it is possible to increase the limit amount automatically by appropriate input in fields INCREASING.TYPE, INCREASE.FREQ, INCREASE.AMOUNT and INCR.END.DATE in Limit application
Question: A limit is set up for 2 years from Jan 5, 2010. However, Bank wants the Customer to utilize the limit amount before Mar 5, 2010. How can this be achieved in T24 Limit ?
Answer: Possible to achieve with appropriate input in field LAST.DRAW.DATE in LIMIT application
Question: A Bank wants to enquire on contracts which have hit a particular limit product for a Customer. Is this possible in T24 Limits?
Answer: It is possible to view all contracts that hit a limit product using the enquiry LIM.TXN
Question: Customer A is the liability customer of Customer B. Is it possible to change the Customer Liability of B to himself from Customer A online ?
Answer: It is possible to change the customer liability of Customer B from A to himself online using LIMIT.CHANGE application
Question: Customer A (123456) is the liability Customer of Customer B (654321) and Customer C (123123). A Bank desires to set up an overall revolving overdraft Limit (assume the limit reference is 100) of USD 300,000 for the entire group. However, it would like to set the maximum limit of 200,000 each for Customers A, B and C. In that case, what will be limit id for setting a limit of 200,000 for Customer A ?
Answer: 123456.100.1.123456
Question: A Bank desires to have a local reference field as part of Limit product set up in LIMIT.PARAMETER. Is this possible in T24?
Answer: Yes, it is possible to have local reference fields as part of Limit product set up in LIMIT.PARAMETER
Question: Which of the following statetments is correct with respect to LIMIT.CHANGE application?
Answer: Using LIMIT.CHANGE, it is possible to change the Currency of existing Limit line.
Question: A Bank wants to update the Limit Online for the Cash type collaterals like Accounts, Deposits, securities and fiduciaries. Which of the following statements is correct on Online updation of Limit ?
Answer: It is possible to update the limit online provided the field ONLINE.UPDATE is set as YES in LIMIT, COLLATERAL.PARAMETER and COLLATERAL.TYPE applications
Question: A bank wants to charge 1% for the undrawn portion of a limit. What is the best way to set this up in Limits?
Answer: Setup a contigent account in UNUTIL.ACCT field in the limit record and setup interest on the account
Question: Where would you find the amount that a limit was originally granted for on a reducing limit facility?
Answer: Check the LIMIT record
Question: A bank desires to give a customer a 3M credit limit, but wants only 1M used for short term loans and the rest used only for long term loans. How can this be achieved?
Answer: Use the time band feature on the limit record
Question: A bank has sub-allocated 100K from a loan limit allocated to one of its customers to cover his overdrafts for the period of one year. The bank wants to ensure that the sub-allocation is not reversed if the overdraft has been utilized. How can the bank configure the system to ensure this?
Answer: AUTO.RESTORE.ALLOC field in LIMIT.SUB.ALLOC has to be set to 'Y'
Question: A bank wants to monitor a limit from being utilized for any new transactions beyond the end of the month. How does the bank set this up?
Answer: Setup LAST.DRAW.DATE field to month end date in the LIMIT record
Question: Which of the following statements is true with respect to field ONLINE.UPDATE in the LIMIT record?
Answer: Collaterals are revalued Online when the limit is utilized, subject to settings in COLLATERAL.PARAMETER, COLLATERAL.TYPE and the LIMIT record
Question: What type of account is opened for consolidating customer wise utilised and unutilised portion of limits?
Answer: Contingent Internal account using Category code defined in ACCOUNT.CLASS
Question: What is the valid structure for a sub product under a global limit? Where G = Global, P = Product, S= Subproduct
Question: Which field in Limit is used to specify the time sub-divisions of a LIMIT?
Question: Which of the following is not an accepted value in the field FX.OR.TIME.BAND in LIMIT.REFERENCE?
Answer: AC
Question: Limit records are not expired even after expiry date, what might be the reason?
Answer: All of the above
Question: Limit is sanctioned for 100T & loan is granted for 60T, reducing limit is set to "Y". What is the available limit?
Answer: 40T is available after approving the loan
Question: Bank wants to know all limit lines attached to a customer, which file you will refer to?
Question: Bank wants to know the child limit & parent limit structure of all lines, which file you will refer to?
Question: Bank defined a global line for 100M, under which two sub products are defined with a limit of 75T & 50T.Is it possible to use this type of defintion of valid?
Answer: Yes, this is valid defintion
Question: Bank wants to Grant a Limit to a set of Customers who is not a part of any Liability group. How is this possible in T24?
Answer: Group can be formed by setting up LIMIT.SHARING.GROUP
Question: Bank Wants to Create a Limit for a Customer and give an Additional Limit for a Group of Customer. Is is a possible to set in T24?
Answer: Yes .This is possible by Setting up a Limit sharing Group.
Question: Which application is used for setting up Group Customer Limits.
Question: Bank Wants to set a Global Limit with a Reducing Product and a Non Reducing Product. How will they set the GLOBAL Limit?
Answer: Non Reducing Global
Question: Bank wants to set Priority between Individual and Group Limits in utilisation. Where can we set in T24?
Question: Bank wants to produce a Report for Group Limit Utilisation. Where will they get the information?
Question: Bank has setup a Customer Limit for Account, Loans and Forex exposures. It wants to get addition Limit for the Customer for the Overdraft and Lending products alone. Is this posssible.
Answer: Yes. By setting a Group Limit for Overdraft and Lending.
Question: What is the Product Limit in a CROSS Limit Structure Called?
Answer: PROD
Question: On reaching the EXPIRY.DATE set in limit record, Which of the conditions need to satisfied for the Limit to move to history in COB?
Answer: All of the above
Question: Apart from excess override based on ONLINE.LIMIT amount, bank needs a separate override based on INTERNAL.AMOUNT also. How can we achieve it?
Answer: Bank has to setup field ADDITIONAL.VAL in LIMIT.PARAMETER to INTERNAL.
Question: Is it possible to monitor the country exposure during online through overrides or enquiry?
Answer: Country exposure can be monitored only using the cob report “LIMIT.COUNTRY.EXPOSURE
Question: How can a bank have separate FX limit netting setup for each counterparty?
Answer: By setting LIMIT.NETTING.PARAM record with id as counterparty customer id.
Question: A bank wants to update the outstanding in limit for LD contracts based on a setup in local table. How can we achieve it?
Answer: Bank has to develop a local routine with logic to refer the local table and decide the outstanding amount and link this routine in the field LIMIT.SUBROUTINE in corresponding LIMIT.REFERERNCE record for LD contracts.
Question: A customer is part of three groups M000000001, M000000002 and M000000003 and groups are created in the same order. Also this customer is having his own limit. Allocation priority is set in the order OWN, M000000001, M000000002 and M000000003. On inputting a transaction, which limit system will utilize?
Answer: OWN
Question: Which application can be used to define allocation priority for a customer in LIMIT.SHARING.GROUP?
Question: Which statement is correct regarding LIMIT.SHARING.GROUP application id?
Answer: Both A and B
Question: For a customer already allocation priority has been set as OWN and M000000001. Which application can be used to change this allocation priority as M000000001 and OWN.
Question: A customer is part of LIMIT.SHARING.GROUP M000000001. Allocation priority is set as M000000001 only. Limit available at own limit and group. But group limit doesn’t have enough limit amounts for the transaction. Then on inputting the transaction how will system utilize the limit?
Answer: full transaction amount will be utilized from the own limit.
Question: User wants to create a MAIN group with multiple products. Which value given below can be inputted in the field CREDIT.LINE in LIMIT.SHARING.GROUP.
Answer: 10000
Question: Which statement regarding LIMIT.SHARING.GROUP is more correct?
Answer: LIMIT.SHARING.GROUP can be set for more customers and more products
Question: Bank has Set a Customer Limit for 10M and a Group Level Limit for 15M. Customer has an Exposure of 15 M. How will T24 Limits will be Utilised by Default?
Answer: Customer Limit 10M and Group Limit 5M
Question: Bank has a Non Reducing Product Limit of 10M under a Non Reducing Global Limit of 15M. It Utilises 10M and Repays 8M. What will be a Available Limit at Global Level.
Answer: 15M
Question: Bank has a Reducing Product Limit of 8M under a Non Reducing Global Limit of 15M. It Utilises 8M and Repays 6M. What will be a Available Limit at Product Level.
Answer: 0M

TCCP - AAD - AA Deposits

AAD - AA Despoits Question and Answers

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Question: For their Deposit products, a bank wants to compound interest two times a month. What value should a user specify in the COMPOUND.TYPE field in Interest Product Condition?
Answer: TWMTH
Question: Which of the following statements is not true with respect to TAX product condition?
Answer: Tax can be scheduled as an independent property
Question: A Bank has defined 'Special Deposit product' with Closure product condition as follows: CLOSURE.TYPE field as BALANCE; CLOSURE.PERIOD field as 10D; CLOSURE.METHOD as AUTOMATIC. A Deposit arrangement under this product has all balances as zero on 31st July 2010. When will the closure activity be scheduled?
Answer: 10 calendar days from 31st July 2010
Question: A Primary owner (12345) with a term deposit arrangement of USD 500,000, maturing in another 6 months, is deceased. His son is another owner (54321) in the arrangement. The bank wants to amend the Deposit name by changing the Primary Owner from 12345 to 54321. Please advice the Bank suitably.
Answer: Keep the primary Owner field as 'Negotiable' at the product level and modify the field at Arrangement using CHANGE.PRIMARY activity for this case.
Question: A Bank has input 'MAINTAIN' in PAYMENT.METHOD Field of Payment Schedule product condition. What does this indicate?
Answer: Specifies the actual amount to be maintained for rollover purpose
Question: A Bank desires to define Periodic Charges and wants it to be collected at yearly frequency. Where would you set the Yearly frequency?
Answer: Can be set in Payment Schedule condition
Question: A Bank wants to apply an interest rate picked from PERIODIC.INTEREST on its Corporate Deposits with a spread of 0.25 percent. Further, it wants to indicate a Floor and Cap in the form of Minimum and Maximum rates as 5% and 7%. Can all these be defined in the Interest product condition?
Answer: Yes. All these conditions can be defined
Question: A Bank opts for Negative rates in Deposits in AA, what will be the effect?
Answer: The Bank will receive interest if there is credit balance in deposit account
Question: A Bank would like to define that if the full commitment amount of deposit is not paid by the Customer within 5 days, the deposit arrangement should stand cancelled. How can this be set?
Answer: CANCEL.PERIOD field in Term Amount product condition can be set suitably
Question: A Bank has defined 5 days as the period within which the full committed deposit amount is to be paid by the customer. A customer has remitted only 25,000 against the committed amount of 50,000. What happens on the expiry of 5 days?
Answer: 25,000 is reverted and credited to UNC
Question: A bank wishes to restrict the changing of Primary Owner to one of the other Owners of an arrangement. How can this be achieved?
Answer: This cannot be restricted using existing system functionality. Primary owner can be changed with any other T24 Customer
Question: A bank wants to produce- a) an Override for arrangements breaking a Posting Restriction on 'Credits' b) an Error for breaking Posting Restrictions on 'Debits' or 'All' transactions. How can this be set in the Account condition ?
Answer: For b, it is not possible to simply define the posting restriction code within the Account condition because Posting Restrictions can only produce Overrides. Further steps need to be taken in other T24 applications
Question: A user would like to create a new Property for use in a product. Where should the user first add this Property?
Answer: Product Group
Question: What are Periodic Rules?
Answer: Rules placed on attributes that have a time element
Question: The bank would like to create a number of products which are very similar but differ only in a few aspects. What should you advise?
Answer: Create a single parent product and multiple child products. Properties with unique conditions should be input into the child products
Question: The Arrangement Overview displays the full Payment Schedule for an Arrangement. In which table is the data for this stored?
Answer: It is not stored, it is calculated when required using a NOFILE enquiry
Question: A bank would like to restrict Deposit payments to be permitted only in multiples of 100. Can this be configured?
Answer: This can be achieved by linking periodic rules to ACTIVITY.RESTRICTION product condition
Question: A Bank desires to define DEPADMINFEE charge property as a Deferred Charge to be made due later and collected as part of regular quarterly charges. Where can this be set?
Answer: The property may be defined as part of PERIODIC.CHARGES condition and linked as a quarterly schedule through payment schedule condition
Question: Interest condition in a product is set to "NON.TRACKING" and the interest rate is changed to 20% at Arrangement level with the product level condition set to 10%. AA.PRODUCT.DESIGNER is configured to switch to a new product which carries 12.5%. Assuming all conditions have DEFAULT.ATTR.OPTION set to "RESETTING" what will be the rate after the 3 months?
Answer: Interest rate resets to 12.5%
Question: What happens as a result of a Primary Officer being added to an Arrangement?
Answer: The officer's ID also gets copied onto the underlying account record
Question: Which of the following varieties of Payment Type requires multiple Properties to be specified for that payment type in the Payment Schedule?
Answer: Constant
Question: A Bank desires that for deposit renewal activities, product conditions should have the option of values remaining unchanged at the arrangement level or values to be reset according to the prevailing product conditions. How can this be built in the product design?
Answer: Field DEFAULT.ATTR.OPTION for respective product conditions should be set as 'RESETTING' or 'NON-RESETTING'
Question: A bank wishes to create a 'what-if' view for a customer by extending the term of an existing Deposit, and showing the customer the potential payment schedule. How can this be effected?
Answer: The user creates a Simulation Capture, runs the simulation, and views the simulated Arrangement Overview
Question: How do you extend the term of a Deposit before the creation of the Arrangement has been authorised?
Answer: Edit the New Arrangement Activity, leave the Maturity Date blank and enter the new term in TERM field
Question: How do you extend the term of a Deposit after the creation of Arrangement has been authorised?
Answer: Run the DEPOSITS-CHANGE.TERM-COMMITMENT Activity for the Arrangement
Question: A "Product.Only" Activity Charge property is configured to collect a fixed charge of 100, when a new arrangement is taken out. What happens when the new arrangement is input?
Answer: Charge of 100 is billed
Question: Which of the following balance types would not be supported in AA Deposits, where ANNUALFEE is charge property, DEPOSITINT is interest property and ACCOUNT is Account property?
Question: In AA what does the Change Product functionality allow you to do?
Answer: Change the Product for an existing Arrangement
Question: A Deposit arrangement is input on 15 Jan 2010 having TERM - 6M in Term Amount, Interest PAYMENT.FREQ - Every Month in Payment Schedule and DATE.CONVENTION set to "FORWARD" and DATE.ADJUSTMENT set to "PERIOD" in Account property. With 15th Feb, 16th Feb and 15th Mar as the only holidays, what will be the first 3 Interest payment dates?
Answer: 17 Feb 2010, 16 Mar 2010, 15 Apr 2010
Question: When system does accruals, what is the effect on AA.ACTIVITY.HISTORY?
Answer: Accrual activity is not recorded in AA.ACTIVITY.HISTORY
Question: A customer is issued with a payout balance(scheduled) effective 30 Jun 2010 for a Deposit Arrangement set to mature on 31 Dec 2010. What happens when the next schedule happens and the next payout bill is produced for 31 Jul 2010?
Answer: 30 Jun 2010 bill is not disturbed and a new payout bill is created for 31 Jul 2010
Question: A bank wants to setup interest condition as follows - COMPOUND.TYPE Field-M06, RATE.TIER.TYPE Field- BAND, with the banded rates as 1% for 10000, 2% for 20000, 3% for rest, assuming the interest period as 01 Jan 2010 and 31 Jan 2010 with "A" basis and a Principal of 15000. Which of the following is a true reflection of the above issue?
Answer: Compounding would not be supported for bands. So, this definition cannot be accommodated in interest condition
Question: A Bank has defined an Activity charge of USD 100 when customer takes the funds out (assuming it is a payout activity through FT) of deposits before maturity date. For a privileged customer, the Bank wants to reduce this charge to USD 50. Where can this be set?
Answer: Charges configured to be collected during FT cannot be modified / waived. However, it is possible to update the charge amount in the charge condition first before performing the pre-closure
Question: For the setup - CHANGE.PERIOD - 3M in CHANGE.PRODUCT, AMORTISATION.TERM - 25Y in PAYMENT.SCHEDULE, TERM - 5Y in TERM.AMOUNT what will be the value of PERIODIC.PERIOD in Interest property?
Answer: 3M
Question: When a Term deposit is created with effective date as TODAY with Term amount populated for 10000, what balance would be created at the end of the NEW arrangement activity(assuming Settlement instruction is set and active. Assume the settlement account has enough funds to fund this deposit and the account property on the arrangement is ACCOUNT)
Answer: CURACCOUNT for 10000
Question: What is true about DEPOSITS-ACCRUE-DEPOSITINT activity, assuming accruals are set to run daily?
Answer: Reuses a unique id for accruals created on AAA
Question: The bank uses Charge Override condition for a product, a Bank has defined charge property as DEPADMINFEE, Charge amount is computed as 500 and Charge actual amount is negotiated as 0. How much would the customer be charged?
Answer: The customer would be charged 0 for this instance
Question: A bank wants to collect a fixed charge of 10USD when a deposit is rolled over, how can this be achieved efficiently
Answer: Options 1, 3 may be used
Question: In a Deposit Arrangement Tax is calculated on Interest payable. If the interest amount calculated is 100USD and Tax is 10USD, when the payment date is reached how much will be available in PAY Interest balance and how much would be available in DUE tax balance
Answer: 90 USD and there would be no DUE tax balance.
Question: In a Deposit Arrangement, Tax is calculated on Interest payable. Which Activity Class does Tax pay processing belong to ?
Question: A Deposit Arrangement has a charge which is deferred and scheduled to be made due in a few days. Now the Deposit Arrangement is fully redeemed, what happens to the deferred charge
Answer: Made due
Question: A Deposit Arrangement is input with VALUE.DATE as 1 Jan 2011 and MATURITY.DATE as 31 Jan 2011. On 15th Jan 2011 it is fully redeemed, What would be INTEREST period start and end dates recorded in AA.INTEREST.ACCRUALS ?
Answer: 01 Jan 2011 and 15 Jan 2011
Question: A Bank wants to send prenotification advice for cancellation of deposit in case of partial funding or non funding of Deposit. Is it possible to send this advice in AA ?
Answer: Yes, it is possible to send prenotification advice in case of partial funding or non funding of deposits through appropriate input in Activity Messaging condition
Question: A Bank would like to collect charge while doing a partial withdrawal. Is it possible to collect charges during partial withdrawal ?
Answer: Yes, it is possible to collect charge during partial withdrawal by linking the appropriate activity to Activity charges property and allocating a charge property to it.
Question: A Bank wants to change the primary owner of a Deposit from Customer A to Customer B. Is it possible to achieve this in Arrangement ?
Answer: Yes, it is possible to change the primary owner of a deposit by triggering the activity Change Primary Customer.
Question: A Bank wants to create a new deposit product by making all the fields in all the product conditions (whose property is not set as "product only"). as inputtable. Is it possible to configure such a deposit product in Arrangement ?
Answer: Yes, it is possible to configure such deposit product by setting the value Yes in Default Negotiable field in all the production conditions of the product.
Question: A Bank would like to collect charge while doing a partial withdrawal only when the partial withdrawal amount exceeds 40% of the outstanding deposit amount. Is it possible to collect charges during partial withdrawal ?
Answer: Yes, it is possible to collect charge during partial withdrawal by defining an appropriate periodic attribute and activity restriction condition.
Question: Customer has a Savings Account in EUR currency in a Bank. However, he wants to book a deposit in USD. Is it possible to use EUR currency Savings account to fund USD Deposit account ?
Answer: Yes, it is possible to use the funding account in a different currency from that of deposit currency by defining the EUR currency savings account in Settlement arrangement condition.
Question: A Bank wants to reverse the accrued interest amount, in case the Customer precloses the deposit within a specified period from the date of booking a deposit. Is it possible to achieve this in T24 ?
Answer: Yes, it is possible to achieve this through appropriate set up in term amount product condition.
Question: A Bank for one of its deposit product wants to use a floating key with a negative spread. Assume the Floating key always returns a positive rate. However, the resultant net interest rate should not go into negative rate (Floating rate minus spread). Is it possible to achieve this in AA deposits?
Answer: In interest product condition, NEGATIVE.RATE field should be set as BLOCK.MARGIN
Question: A Bank wishes to set the negative rates for one of its deposit products. However, it would like to disregard negative margin rate if the interest is already less than 0. Is it possible to set up a interest condition like this ?
Answer: In Interest product condition, NEGATIVE.RATE field should be set as BLOCK MARGIN.
Question: A Bank would like to set up a deposit product with 5% interest for 70% of the principal amount and 6% for the remaining principal amount. Is it possible to configure this in AA ?
Answer: Yes, it is possible to configure this by appropriate set up in interest product condition (AA.PRD.DES.INTEREST)
Question: A Bank would like to set up a deposit product with 5% interest for 75,000 of principal amount and 7% for the remaining principal amount. Is it possible to configure this in AA?
Answer: Yes, it is possible to configure this by appropriate set up in interest product condition (AA.PRD.DES.INTEREST)
Question: While booking a deposit for USD 12,000 a settlement account is specified. The available balance in the settlement account is USD 8,000. In the settlement arrangement condition the field PAYIN.AC.DB.RULE (payin rule) is set as PARTIAL. Now, how much amount would have been funded in the deposit arrangement ?
Answer: In this case, the deposit would have funded to the extent of USD 8,000 and the balance amount of USD 4,0000 would be sitting in EXPACCOUNT.
Question: While booking a deposit for USD 12,000 a settlement account is specified. The available balance in the settlement account is USD 8,000. In the settlement arrangement condition the field PAYIN.AC.DB.RULE (payin rule) is set as FULL. Now, how much amount would have been funded in the deposit arrangement ?
Answer: In this case, the entire amount of USD 12,000 would be funded whereby the settlement account would have gone into a debit balance of USD 4,000.
Question: While booking a deposit for USD 12,000 a settlement account is specified. The available balance in the settlement account is USD 8,000. In the settlement arrangement condition the field PAYIN.AC.DB.RULE (payin rule) is set as NONE. Now, how much amount would have been funded in the deposit arrangement ?
Answer: In this case, since the deposit amount is greater than the available amount in the settlement account, NO amount would have been funded. The entire deposit amount of USD 12,000 would be sitting in EXPACCOUNT
Question: While booking a deposit for USD 12,000 a settlement account is specified. The available balance in the settlement account is USD 8,000. In the settlement arrangement condition the field PAYIN.AC.DB.RULE (payin rule) is set as NONE and PAYIN.SETTLEMENT (Active Y/N?) is set as NO. Now, how much amount would have been funded in the deposit arrangement ?
Answer: In this case, no funding would have happened. The entire deposit amount would be sitting in EXPACCOUNT.
Question: When a NEW Deposit arrangment is created, what kind of bill is created for the Principal amount?
Answer: EXP bill
Question: The bank wants to do the following: When the customer walks into the bank and opens a deposit for 1Y, the bank would only want to give the customer 10 days to fund all the money he committed. If he fails to fund it fully, the deposit should no longer be active. What should the consultant do to achieve this?
Answer: Set CANCEL.PERIOD to 10D
Question: The bank wants to do the following: When the customer paysin a deposit, he is given 10 days to change his mind and could get back the deposit without any penalties. The bank would not pay any interest for this period though. How can this be achieved in AA
Answer: Set COOLING.PERIOD to 10D
Question: When Cooling period is set as 10D for a 1Y term deposit arrangement and the customer withdraws the money on the 8th day after he paysin the deposit amount, what would happen in the system?
Answer: Bank would not pay any interest for the 8 days
Question: When a deposit has to be paid in(deposit of funds), how is this generally achieved?
Answer: You need a Payment rules property which settles the expected bill
Question: A deposit exists with a bank and the customer wants to withdraw a part of funds from the deposited amount. Can this be achieved?
Answer: Yes - by configuring the PAYOUT.RULES property
Question: A bank wants to indicate a customer's savings account to which deposit interest is to be paid. How can this be achieved through SETTLEMENT condition in the deposit arrangement?
Answer: State the required details and state the Account in PAYOUT.ACCOUNT field
Question: A bank has stated settlement instructions for deposit interest to be credited to a specific account. The customer wants to stop the auto settlement temporarily but wants to continue with the same instruction after this period. Which is the optimal way to achieve this?
Answer: In the arrangement, set the PAYOUT.SETTLEMENT field in SETTLEMENT property for the deposit interest property to NO. Switch it back to YES when the customer wants auto settlement to resume
Question: DEPOSITS-REDEEM-ARRANGEMENT - When should this activity be used?
Answer: When the deposit is to be completely withdrawn before the maturity date
Question: A bank wants to collect tax on interest whenever interest is to be paidout to the customer. How can this be achieved?
Answer: Just define the TAX property for the Interest property and define the associated tax code. Tax would automatically get applied when this property is included in the product.
Question: Tax has been defined for deposit interest. Where can we find information regarding the tax amount ?
Answer: In the AA.BILL.DETAILS table
Question: When tax is defined on the Deposit Interest which is scheduled to pay out, will the total interest amount paid to customer be a 'net of tax' amount ?
Answer: Yes. The total deposit interest amount paid will a 'net of tax' amount
Question: A bank wants to 'pay' a nominal bonus to the customer every 6 months for depositing with the bank. Can this be defined?
Answer: Charges can be paid out by stating PAY in PAYMENT.METHOD field the Payment schedule and defining a charge property there in
Question: In the CLOSURE condition, what does it mean to state a value in CLOSURE.PERIOD for a deposit?
Answer: The moment that arrangement is flagged for PENDING.CLOSURE, it uses this period to derive when the status of the arrangement will become CLOSE
Question: Which of the following is False about PAYOUT.RULES property?
Answer: Payout rules are used during the funding of a deposit
Question: When PAY option is chosen for INTEREST on a deposit payment schedule, what does it mean?
Answer: It only parks the amount to PAY balance on scheduled date. Other components such as FT or Settlement are required for customer to receive the funds
Question: What is the purpose of SETTLEMENT property for AA Deposit ?
Answer: All A, B and C
Question: A customer is issued with a scheduled PAY bill effective 30 Jun 2011 for a Deposit Arrangement set to mature on 31 Oct 2011. What happens when a new PAY statement is issued for 31 Jul 2011?
Answer: 30 Jun 2011 bill remains and a new pay bill is created for 31 Jul 2011
Question: A customer has redeemed a deposit effective 30 Jun 2012 for a which is set to mature on 31 Aug 2012. What happens when a new redemption is attempted effective 31 Jul 2012?
Answer: Another redemption on 31-Jul would not be allowed
Question: A Bank has defined 'Special Deposit product' with Closure product condition as follows: CLOSURE.TYPE field as BALANCE; CLOSURE.PERIOD field as 1D. CLOSURE.METHOD as AUTOMATIC. A Deposit arrangement under this product has all balances as zero on 31st July 2012. When will the closure activity be scheduled?
Answer: 1st August 2012
Question: A Bank has defined 5 days as the period within which the full committed deposit amount is to be paid by the customer. A customer has remitted only 50,000 against the committed amount of 75,000. What happens on the expiry of 5 days?
Answer: 50,000 is reverted and credited to UNC
Question: A bank wants to configure a Charge Product Condition with CURRENCY set to USD, TIER.TYPE set to LEVEL, CALC.TYPE set to FLAT and CHG.AMOUNT set to 100. The Bank wants to also set a minimum charge of USD 50 and a maximum charge of USD 150 for this tier (i.e. using the fields TIER.MIN.CHARGE and TIER.MAX.CHARGE respectively) . Is this possible?
Answer: This is not possible if CALC.TYPE specified as FLAT
Question: A Deposit Arrangement is input with VALUE.DATE as 1 Jan 2011 and MATURITY.DATE as 31 Jan 2011. On 15th Jan 2011 it is fully redeemed, What would be INTEREST period start and end dates indicated on its AA.INTEREST.ACCRUALS file ?
Answer: 01 Jan 2011 and 15 Jan 2011
Question: A Deposit Arrangement is input with VALUE.DATE as 1 Mar 2011 and MATURITY.DATE as 31 Mar 2011. The deposit is funded on 15th Mar 2011. What would be INTEREST period start and end dates indicated on its AA.INTEREST.ACCRUALS file ?
Answer: 01 Mar 2011 and 31 Mar 2011
Question: A Deposit Arrangement is input with VALUE.DATE as 1 Oct 2011 and MATURITY.DATE as 31 Oct 2011. The deposit had a CANCEL.PERIOD as 10 days and it was not fully funded till 10 Oct and system had triggered a CANCEL arrangement on this deposit. What would be the interest start and end date on its AA.INTEREST.ACCRUALS file ?
Answer: 01 Oct 2011 and 01 Oct 2011
Question: What would be Renewal date for an Arrangement contract with VALUE.DATE 01 Jan 2011, CHANGE.PERIOD - 7M, DATE.CONVENTION - FORWARD, TERM - 5Y and 1st August 2011 and 2nd August 2011 being holidays
Answer: 40758
Question: A customer pays an amount of USD 75,000 against a Deposit arrangement of USD 50,000. Assume 'ACCOUNT' is the Account property. How is the excess amount handled in T24?
Answer: Parked in UNCACCOUNT
Question: A bank allows its customers to fund their deposit arrangements in full at one go rather than in multiple tranches. The consultant knows that AA.PERIODIC.ATTRIBUTE.CLASS - FULL.DEPOSIT could be used for this purpose. What value can the consultant state in PR.VALUE field, when he defines the full funding periodic rule?
Answer: YES
Question: A bank offers a deposit product with non-negotiable Activity charges and a negotiable cooling period. This product attracts initial DEPOSITFEE for document processing. If the customer wanted to withdraw within the cooling period, then the DEPOSITFEE will be waived. If the customer does not withdraw within cooling period then the DEPOSITFEE has to be applied. The activity for withdraw is DEPOSITS-APPLYPAYMENT-WITHDRAW. What should be the appropriate setup?
Answer: In ACTIVITY.RESTRICTION attach trigger activity as DEPOSITS-APPLYPAYMENT-WITHDRAW and rule evaluation activity as DEPOSITS-APPLYPAYMENT-WITHDRAW. Attach the periodic attribute TXN.AMT.MAX with RULE.START as COOLING-OFF and PR.VALUE as zero. Attach DEPOSITFEE charge to WITHDRAW activity. This will ensure that DEPOSITFEE is applied when WITHDRAW activity is run after cooling period
Question: A charge is defined in PaymentSchedule set to capitalize in a deposit type product. Activity restriction is setup for this property to waive the charge if rule is broken. What will happen on the payment date assuming the rule is broken
Answer: A bill will be produced for the charge amount, and OS.PROP.AMOUNT for the property would be zero, and WAIVE.PROP.AMOUNT will hold the charge amount signifying the amount is waived
Question: Deposit arrangement is created and awaiting for funding. A bill with BILL.TYPE as "EXPECTED" is made due on 24 Dec 2011 and ages to GRA after 3 days since funding did not arrive. On 31 Dec 2011, a charge is scheduled to be paid as a bonus amount. Based on the product rules, there is a restriction to the bonus payment. The bonus will only be paid when expected funding bill is settled on time. Funding only arrived on 31-Dec-2011. What would have been the status of this bonus?
Answer: The bonus would not be paid since the expected bill is overdue
Question: Deposit has not been funded. A bill with BILL.TYPE as "EXPECTED" is made due on 24 Dec 2011 and set to age to GRA after 3 days. On 31 Dec 2011, Bonus is scheduled to be paid. A rule is defined in Activity Restriction condition where the rule value is 5 and is based on maximum aging days of the Expected bill. If the rule is broken, bonus will be 'waived'. On system date (31 Dec 2011), a full funding is made with value date 28 Dec 2011. What happens to the Bonus now ?
Answer: The Bonus would be either paid or capitalised based on Payment Method and not waived as the number of overdue days is 2 and it is within the rule definition
Question: What is the activity name within the Activity Class DEPOSITS-AGE-OVERDUE for the Bill Type EXPECTED and overdue status GRA
Question: A bank wants to setup a savings plan product, where an agreed amount has to be funded by the customer on a defined frequency. On maturity date, a bonus would be paid if the scheduled funding were received within the tolerance defined. Auto settlement has been set up for all arrangements. Looking at the payment schedule, the Bank observed that the first funding only commence 1 month later. They prefer the first initial funding to commence as soon as arrangement is created. What can they do ?
Answer: Capture the initial amount in ACT.AMOUNT field in PAYMENT.SCHEDULE
Question: An arrangement under Deposits product line has TERM as 12M and AMOUNT as 0. What happens when this new arrangement is committed?
Answer: System will commit the activity without any override or error and simply record the activity
Question: An arrangement under Deposits product line has TERM as 12M, AMOUNT as 0 and CANCEL.PERIOD as 10D. Which of the following statements is true?
Answer: System would not schedule the cancel arrangement activity
Question: A bank wants to define a product where a customer could save regularly by depositing a certain amount at regular frequency, is this possible?
Answer: Can be defined under Deposits product line using Bill Type as EXPECTED in Payment Schedule
Question: What are the property classes involved in Auto Funding a deposit?
Answer: Settlement
Question: The Bank would like to send an advance notice to a customer pertaining to the cancel period set in the arrangement. Is it possible ?
Answer: This can be set up in ACTIVITY.MESSAGING
Question: Client wanted to cancel a deposit if it is not funded within 10 days of deposit creation. What do you need to do to make sure it happens?
Answer: All the above
Question: What will be the date of processing in the below case? 28th Feb 2013 is the system date, 1st & 2nd March are holidays. We have a bill scheduled on 1st March and COB runs on 28th Feb. When will the bill get generated for 1st March?
Answer: During AA.SOD.PROCESS of 3rd March
Question: Withholding tax is defined in the deposit product condition. When will this tax be calculated ?
Answer: Whenever interest is paid or capitalised
Question: What should user do to increase deposit commitment amount ?
Answer: No way to increase deposit commitment amount
Question: The Bank's requirement is that they allow customers to open the 6 months deposit with the option to fund the deposit within the first 5 days from opening date. If funding arrives on the 3rd day, the maturity date should be recalculated based on the funding date. However, the duration of the deposit needs to remain as 6 months. What can the Bank do ?
Answer: In Account condition, define START as the Base Date Type
Question: A deposit was opened for USD 100,000 early this year and the system reflects that the renewal date 10 May 2014. On 10 May 2014 at 2pm, customer called the Bank to request for an increase in the deposit amount by 25,000 for the rollover on 10 May 2014. User quickly update the deposit schedule as MAINTAIN 125,000 and the Start Date as R_RENEWAL. What will happen?
Answer: The increased deposit amount will only be effective on the next rollover date (not 10 May 2014)
Question: Customer has a USD 300,000 deposit. He has given instructions to the Bank to reduce his deposit principal by 50,000 during rollover. What should the user do to effect this instruction in the system?
Answer: Update the deposit schedule arrangement condition. Indicate SPECIAL as the payment type, MAINTAIN as the payment method, 250,000 as the actual amount, R_RENEWAL as the start date and 'payment' as the bill type
Question: Bank wants to be able to remind their customers 5 days in advance before deposits mature. Is it possible to do this?
Answer: In Activity Messaging condition, define pre-notification period for deposit maturity activity
Question: Bank offers to pay out a bonus (in lump sum) to customer in order to encourage more new deposit opening within this promotional period. However, the Bank is concerned that the big bonus payout will result in a drastic accounting entry in their P&L books. As such, the Bank would prefer to 'even out' the accounting entries. Is there anything they can do ?
Answer: Define amortisation period in Accounting condition for this type of bonus
Question: Bank wants to charge a fee upon new deposit creation. The standard fee amount is USD 100. However, on exceptional situations, user is given the authority to 'waive' the fee amount fully or partially at the very moment of deposit creation. The typical P&L used for this type of fee is 52100. However, the Bank wants to be able to book the 'waiver' portion to a different P&L. Is this possible ?
Answer: Yes, it is possible by defining the 'waiver' P&L category in Accounting product condition
Question: Deposit has been created and authorised. However, this deposit has not been funded at all even after the product's defined 5 cancellation days. What is the status of this deposit now?
Answer: Cancelled
Question: The Bank wants deposits to mature only on working days. If there is a non working day, the maturity date will need to fall on the next working day even if this means a slight increase in the deposit duration. What can they do ?
Answer: At the new deposit creation stage, override message will be generated if maturity date is not a working day. User to manually change the maturity date to the next working date
Question: The Bank wants system to automatically pick the respective interest rates for the deposit depending on the deposit duration. What should they do ?
Answer: In Interest product condition, define a periodic interest key
Question: The Bank does not want to provide customers with a choice to fund their deposit partially. If the customer agrees to a 100,000 deposit arrangement, they should not be funding 80,000 today and 20,000 tomorrow etc. Users should be given a warning message if they accidentally perform such transaction. Is this possible to achieve this by using current system functionality ?
Answer: We can define a periodic attribute based on FULL.DEPOSIT periodic class and attach to the ACCOUNT product condition
Question: A deposit was opened 3 years ago. The deposit was funded 2 days after the opening date. Every 6 months, the deposit will automatically rollover. The Bank user found values in BASE.DATE as well as RENEWAL.DATE in AA.ACCOUNT.DETAILS file. She presumed that RENEWAL.DATE represents the upcoming deposit rollover date. However, what does BASE.DATE represent ?
Answer: The arrangement last rollover date
Question: The Bank makes use of the periodic interest table to determine interest rate for their deposit arrangements. However, they do not want to be subjected to free fluctuations in the underlying periodic rate. If the underlying periodic rate becomes too high, system should automatically apply a maximum 'ceiling' rate. For example, the ceiling rate is 3%. If the underlying periodic rate reads 3.2% today, the system should only apply 3% to the deposit. Is this possible ?
Answer: Define an appropriate periodic attribute and rule in Interest product condition. Define CAP as the break result
Question: Bank defined 5D as Cooling Period. What is the implication ?
Answer: If customer decides to fully redeem the deposit within 5 days from deposit creation date, any interest accrued will not be paid to customer
Question: The AA Deposit arrangement has been pledged as collateral in T24 Collateral application. Which of the following deposit balance will be used for calculating the collateral amount ?
Question: The deposit has tax WHT defined. Out of the 5 customers' arrangements, it has been discovered that 1 of the customer's arrangement did not have tax deducted. What could be the reason ?
Answer: TAX.TYPE.CONDITION for this customer group has not been defined
Question: The Bank wants to be able to schedule a change in the principal amount for the upcoming rollover. What are the considerations to be taken in order to select the correct 'Payment Type' on the payment schedule condition ?
Answer: The AA.PAYMENT.TYPE record must have a 'Manual' TYPE
Question: For the upcoming deposit rollover, the customer wants to have 20% of the accrued deposit interest paid out to him and remaining 80% of the accrued deposit interest to be capitalised. What can the Bank do ?
Answer: No, it is not available in current system
Question: Deposit is set to rollover and interest is payable at every rollover. Bank allows customer to increase the deposit amount for rollover without the need to create a new deposit arrangement. However, the increase amount cannot be more than 20% of the amount in the current deposit term. TEMENOS recommends a local development to achieve this. What are the values we should use in order to measure the 20% difference?
Answer: Compare the CURACCOUNT balance with the value in ACTUAL.AMT in Payment Schedule condition
Question: The Bank user created a deposit arrangement which has a fixed term of 18 months. In the interest condition, interest has been defined to capitalise yearly. After authorising the arrangement, the user checked the payment schedule and discovered that the schedule shows a scheduled interest capitalisation on the 2nd year, even though the deposit has only 18 months term. What should they do to make the interest pay out on the 18th month maturity ?
Answer: On the same row where interest has been defined as 'Capitalise' in Payment Schedule condition, define R_MATURITY as the end date
Question: A cooling period of 7D has been defined for this deposit arrangement. On the 10th day, the customer decides to fully redeem this arrangement. How much accrued interest will be paid to customer ?
Answer: Interest accrued for the 10 days (subjected to accrual rules definition)
Question: In order to encourage customers to continue their deposit placements with the Bank, the Bank offers to pay a bonus for each deposit rollover. The bonus is 0.2% of the total rolled over amount, which is to be automatically calculated when system performs the rollover. In this case, what should we define as the calculation source for this type of bonus ?
Question: The Bank wants to offer notice deposit products. They clarified that for this type of deposit, customer will place them for an indefinite term. For any withdrawals (partially or fully), customer has to provide 3 days advance notice. How can we achieve this within the deposit product line ?
Answer: Not possible
Question: The Bank's range of deposit products typically commence as a fixed term deposit. If there is no further instruction received from customer, the deposit will mature. However, if the customer provides instruction to the Bank at least 1 day prior to maturity, the deposit will automatically rollover. Customers are given the choice to have the deposit in any duration. However, each deposit duration must not be lower than 1 month. What can we do to ensure this ?
Answer: In Term Amount condition, define a minimum negotiable rule for TERM. In addition, define a minimum negotiable rule for CHANGE.PERIOD in Change Product condition
Question: In case of situations where auto settlement was not set up, the Bank will perform manual operations to credit the scheduled deposit interest payment to customer. The interest payment activity is DEPOSITS-APPLYPAYMENT-PO.DEPOSIT. The Bank is using FT.TXN.TYPE.CONDITION 'ACDP' to perform the manual operation. In this FT.TXN.TYPE.CONDITION record, the Credit Transaction Code (TXN.CODE.CR) is 820 and Debit Transaction Code (TXN.CODE.DR) is 821. Within the Activity Mapping condition, which transaction code is to be mapped to the DEPOSITS-APPLYPAYMENT-PO.DEPOSIT activity ?
Answer: 821
Question: The Bank said that whenever there is a payment into the deposit, the Activity Log on the Arrangement Overview displays "Applypayment Activity for Pr Deposit". The Bank is not happy about it as this narrative is non intuitive and not user friendly. They want simpler narratives such as "Deposit Funding" etc. Is there anything we can do about this ?
Answer: Yes, we can change the description of the AA.ACTIVITY
Question: The Bank performs automatic payouts for their deposit products. They realised that whether it is paying out scheduled interest or paying out bonus, the activity log always show "Applypayment Activity for Po Withdrawal" as the narrative. The Bank wants more intuitive narratives to appear e.g. "Pay out Interest" and "Pay out Bonus". Is this possible to achieve this ?
Answer: Yes, create 2 copies of activities linking to existing payout activity and provide appropriate descriptions to these activities. Then, multi-value the payout property class (PAYOUT.PPTY.CLASS) field in SETTLEMENT condition with each property class linking to the appropriate activity in payout settlement activity (PAYOUT.SETTLE.ACTIVITY) field
Question: With regards to the Eligibility functionality, the Bank is happy to know that system can generate an error message if the customer fails eligibility during deposit opening. However, they are not happy that the system is currently forcing them to change their customer's deposits to a default product whenever customer fails eligibility during the life of the arrangement. They only want to be aware that customer fails eligibility but system must not automatically change the deposit to a different product
Answer: Change the FAILURE.ACTION to IGNORE
Question: There are 2 deposit products in the Bank's product catalog. Today, the Bank user created an arrangement for the first product and performed a full funding immediately. Upon checking the Arrangement Overview, he was happy to see the interest amount on the payment schedule. He proceeded to create an arrangement for the second product and funded it fully at once. He was shocked to see that interest amount reflected as zero on the payment schedule. What could have happened ?
Answer: In Product Designer, source balance for deposit interest was defined to ACCDEPOSITINT
Question: Deposit interest has been scheduled to capitalise upon rollover. Customer's settlement account has been closed recently, leaving no active settlement account for this deposit. In what balance type will this interest amount be parked in so that the user can manually transfer this interest amount to customer ?
Answer: None of the above
Question: The Bank wants automated funding to take place whenever deposit is created. However, they do not want their customer's accounts to be overdrawn as a result of funding. What should they do ?
Answer: Define 'None' as the settlement condition rule
Question: A new deposit arrangement has been created. However, it has not been funded yet. What will be the Bill status of the bill which would be funded?
Answer: Due
Question: The Bank has defined 'increase amount' instructions for the upcoming rollover. However, on the rollover date, the deposit did not rollover with a higher amount. What could be the reason ?
Answer: The relevant PAYMENT.TYPE in SETTLEMENT condition has not been defined
Question: The Bank defined interest condition where 20% is based on fixed rate and 80% is based on periodic rate. How will system calculate interest for the deposit?
Answer: Everyday when system updates the AA.INTEREST.ACCRUALS file, it will calculate the accrued interest based on the summation of both. That is, the result of 20% of deposit principal calculated based on the fixed rate plus the result of 80% of deposit principal calculated based on periodic rate
Question: The Bank was told by TEMENOS that the deposit will mature at Start of Day. Being the nation's favourite Bank, the Bank promised to pay customer interest including the interest calculated for the maturity date. Is it possible?
Answer: Set Accrual Rule to 'Both'
Question: The Bank has a requirement for deposits. The deposit arrangement must be opened with an initial amount of at least USD 100,000. For subsequent rollovers, the amount that the user inputs in the rollover instructions must not be lower than USD 80,000. What can they do ?
Answer: Define negotiation rule for ACTUAL.AMT in Payment Schedule condition
Question: For newly created deposit arrangements, the Bank wants a way to identify the number of days that the deposit has not been funded. Is it possible ?
Answer: Define Overdue condition where 'Expected' is the Bill Type
Question: The Bank has set a Cancel Period of '5D' for their deposit products. In view that the deposit has not been funded after the 5 days, the user reported to TEMENOS that the status of the deposit is now 'Pending Closure'. The Bank wants to know when will the deposit status become 'Close'
Answer: Depends on the Closure condition
Question: The standard interest rate of the deposit product is LIBOR - 0.5%. However, on exceptional cases, the Bank wants to be able to offer an additional margin rate of + 0.3%, on top of the standard LIBOR - 0.5%. The Bank wants to be able to capture the 3 interest components in separate fields so that they can design reports or advices to explicitly show that the interest applied to the deposit is LIBOR - 0.5% + 0.3% and not LIBOR - 0.2%. Is this possible ?
Answer: Multi value the MARGIN.TYPE field in INTEREST condition
Question: Deposit is for one year. Tax has been defined for deposit interest. On the payment schedule, only deposit interest has been scheduled to pay out every month. The Bank learns that on every interest payout date, a bill will be generated. What property artefacts will be recorded in this bill ?
Question: The Bank wishes to make use of AA Deposit module to introduce an investment type of deposit. This deposit will yield higher interest rates than standard fixed deposit. For instance, for a 1-month investment deposit products, it will use 6 month's LIBOR rate. For 3-month investment deposit, it will use 12 month's LIBOR rate. The Bank would like to store such LIBOR rates in an interest reference table. Can we design this product in AA Deposit module ?
Answer: Possible. Define LIBOR rates in Periodic Interest table. Bank can create the various investment products based on the duration. In their respective interest condition, define the periodic interest key. Furthermore, in the PERIODIC.PERIOD field, specify the actual duration tier that the interest rate is to be derived from the periodic interest table
Question: The Bank defines their LIBOR rates in the Periodic Interest table where rates are downloaded from Reuters. Reuters have term rates for 1 month, 6 month, 12 months and 18 months. Past data has shown that rates are always higher for longer duration compared to the shorter duration. The Bank's policy is such that they will always pay at the lower tiered rate if the requested deposit duration do not have an exact match with the durations mentioned on the periodic table. For example, if a customer wants a 2 months deposit, the system will need to retrieve the 1 month's rate. Is this possible to achieve this requirement in AA ?
Answer: Yes, we can define PREVIOUS as the PERIODIC.METHOD in Interest condition
Question: The Bank wants to have IBAN number generated automatically for AA deposits. How can we set this up in AA ?
Answer: In ACCOUNT condition, define YES for GENERATE.IBAN attribute
Question: The Bank informed TEMENOS that in the event that their relationship managers use the Charge Override functionality to waive fees (fully or partially) at the arrangement level, the net chargeable amount will be booked to the defined charge P&L category. This is the default setting for all fees. However, if the waiver is for a particular 'CHGINTRATE' fee, the system needs to book the original fee amount and the waiver amount to separate P&L categories. Hence, 2 separate accounting entries
Answer: Possible. In ACCOUNTING conditon, define 'NET' as the value for DEF.CHG.OVR.METHOD attribute. Then, define 'CHGINTRATE' as the CHG.OVR.PROPERTY with the CHG.OVR.METHOD mentioned as 'ITEMISED'
Question: The Bank informed TEMENOS that they allow customers to partially withdraw from a particular deposit product but customer has to pay a fee. For the first withdrawal, they charge USD 100. For the second withdrawal, they charge USD 200. For any subsequent withdrawals, they charge USD 500 each time. Is it possible to create this type of product ?
Answer: Yes possible. Define tier counts in charge condition and 'count' as the source type for this fee

TCCP - AAC - AA Core

Arrangement Architecture CORE Question and Answers

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Question: A consultant is designing a Student Loan Product which belongs to the Personal Loans Product Group. She includes a Loan Account Property which belongs to the Account Property Class and has defined the Arrangement Link as "TRACKING". When committing the Product Designer record, she gets an error "PROPERTY CANNOT BE TRACKED". What could be the possible cause for this error?
1. The Account Property Class is not trackable and therefore the conditions linked to the Loan Account Property cannot be tracked.2. The Loan Account Property has been defined as "PRODUCT ONLY".3. The Account Property Class has been set as "MANDATORY" in the Personal Loans Product Group.4. The attached Product Condition has an effective date greater than today and therfore the Property cannot be set to "TRACKING".5.
Answer: The Account Property Class is not trackable and therefore the conditions linked to the Loan Account Property cannot be tracked.
Question: What is the purpose of setting the REBUILD.ACTIVITIES field to "YES" when committing a Product Group.
1. AA will build/rebuild the Activity records for every Property defined in the Product Group.2. AA will build/rebuild the Activity Class records for every Property defined in the Product Group.3. AA will build/rebuild all of the Activity records for the every Property Class defined in the Product Group.4. AA will build/rebuild the Activity Class records for every Property Class defined in the Product Group.5.
Answer: AA will build/rebuild the Activity records for every Property defined in the Product Group.
Question: Which of the following statements is true?
1. A Property Class defined as 'Mandatory' in a Product Line, should have at least one Property specified at the Product group level.2. A Property Class defined as 'optional' in a Product Line, should have at least one Product Condition specified at the Product Group level.3. A Property Class defined as 'Optional' in a Product Line, cannot have a Property defined as 'Mandatory' at the Product Group level.4. A Property Class defined as 'Mandatory' in a Product Line, can be made 'Optional' at the Product Group level.5.
Answer: A Property Class defined as 'Mandatory' in a Product Line, should have at least one Property specified at the Product group level.
Question: While creating a Product Group, a user gets the following error "AT LEAST ONE PROPERTY MUST BE MANDATORY". What is the reason for this?
1. The user has set the MANDATORY field to 'NO' for all of the Properties belonging to a Property Class which is defined as 'Mandatory' at the Product Line level.2. The user has set the MANDATORY field to 'YES' for one of the Properties belonging to a Property Class which is defined as 'Mandatory' at the Product Line level.3. The user has set the MANDATORY field to 'YES' for all of the Properties belonging to a Property Class which is defined as 'Mandatory' at the Product Line level.4. The user has set the MANDATORY field to 'NO' for one of the Properties belonging to a Property Class which is defined as 'Mandatory' at the Product Line level.5.
Answer: The user has set the MANDATORY field to 'NO' for all of the Properties belonging to a Property Class which is defined as 'Mandatory' at the Product Line level.
Question: Is it possible to create product conditions for the CHARGE property class following format? 1. CHARGE.COND1--20081010 2. CHARGE.COND2-USD-20081010
1. It is not possible since currency is a mandatory component for all the product conditions of all the property classes2. It is not possible since product conditions created for the CHARGE property class need to have currency as part of their ID.3. It is possible since currency is an optional component for the CHARGE product condition.4. It is possible because both currency and date are optional components for the CHARGE product condition.5.
Answer: It is possible since currency is an optional component for the CHARGE product condition.
Question: A Personal Loan Product is available for sale in the Product Catalog. When inputting an arrangement for the product, the user specifies the currency as JPY. When validating the activity the user gets the following error "NOT A VALID CURRENCY FOR THIS PRODUCT ". What is the reason for this?
1. JPY is not defined in the CURRENCY file of T24.2. JPY is not defined a valid currency in AA.PRODUCT.DESIGNER(hence not propagated to AA.PRODUCT.CATALOG record) for the Personal Loan Product.3. JPY is not defined a valid currency in AA.PRODUCT for the Personal Loan Product.4. Arrangements can only be entered in local currency.5.
Answer: JPY is not defined a valid currency in AA.PRODUCT.DESIGNER(hence not propagated to AA.PRODUCT.CATALOG record) for the Personal Loan Product.
Question: The following is a Product Condition for the Term Amount Property Class: Attribute.1: TERM Options.1: NEGOTIABLE Type.1: MAXPERIOD Value.1: 7Y Message.1: ERROR Attribute.2 : REVOLVING Options.2 : OVERRIDE Default Negotiable : NO Which of the following is a correct statement?
1. While inputting an Arrangement, an Error will be displayed if the TERM entered is greater than 7Y and an Override will be displayed if the REVOLVING field is negotiated2. This is an incorrect definition. For the Attribute REVOLVING, OVERRIDE is an invalid option when Default Negotiable is NO3. While inputting an Arrangement, an Error will be displayed if the TERM entered is less than 7Y and an Override will be displayed if the REVOLVING field is left blank4. While inputting an Arrangement, an Error will be displayed if the AMOUNT entered is less than 100000 and an Override will be displayed if the AMOUNT entered is greater than 1000.5.
Answer: This is an incorrect definition. For the Attribute REVOLVING, OVERRIDE is an invalid option when Default Negotiable is NO
Question: The following is a Product Condition for the Term Amount Property Class: Default Negotiable: YES Attribute.1: AMOUNT Options.1: NEGOTIABLE Attribute.2: REVOLVING Options.2: NON-NEGOTIABLE Which of the following is a correct statement?
1. All fields of the Term Amount Product Condition can be negotiated at the Arrangement level except for the REVOLVING field.2. Only the AMOUNT field of the Term Amount Product Condition can be negotiated at the Arrangement level.3. All fields except REVOLVING can be negotiated in the Term Amount Product Condition4. Only the AMOUNT field can be negotiatied in the Term Amount Product Condition5.
Answer: All fields of the Term Amount Product Condition can be negotiated at the Arrangement level except for the REVOLVING field.
Question: A user creates a new Product Condition for the Interest Property Class. The record ID is DEFAULT.INTEREST-USD-20110310. Where can the user find this record?
Question: The following is a portion of a Personal Loan Product Designer record: Property.1: PRINCIPALINT Condition.1.1: PERIODIC.RATE.MARGIN Effective.1.1: Arr Link.1.1: TRACKING Condition.1.2: FIXED.FLOATING.LEVEL Effective.1.2: 1M Arr Link.1.2: TRACKING The following two "PERIODIC.RATE.MARGIN" Product Condition records exist: 1. PERIODIC.RATE.MARGIN-USD-20000101 2. PERIODIC.RATE.MARGIN-USD-20000601 The following two "FIXED.FLOATING.LEVEL" Product Condition records exist: 1. FIXED.FLOATING.LEVEL-USD-20000101 2. FIXED.FLOATING.LEVEL-USD-20000601 For an arrangement input on 1st April 2000, which Product Condition will be effective on 2nd June 2000?
Question: The following is a Product Condition for the Term Amount Property Class: Attribute.1: AMOUNT Options.1: NEGOTIABLE Type.1.1: MAXIMUM Value.1.1: 100000 Message.1.1: ERROR Type.1.2: MINIMUM Value.1.2: 1000 Message.1.2: OVERRIDE Which of the following is a correct statement?"
1. While inputting an Arrangement, an Error will be displayed if the AMOUNT entered is greater than 100000 and an Override will be displayed if the AMOUNT entered is less than 1000.2. While inputting an Arrangement, an Override will be displayed if the AMOUNT entered is greater than 100000 and an Error will be displayed if the AMOUNT entered is less than 1000.3. While inputting an Arrangement, an Error will be displayed if the AMOUNT is negotiated. Otherwise an Override will be displayed informing the user that the AMOUNT has not been negotiated.4. While inputting an Arrangement, an Error will be displayed if the AMOUNT entered is less than 100000 and an Override will be displayed if the AMOUNT entered is greater than 1000.5.
Answer: While inputting an Arrangement, an Error will be displayed if the AMOUNT entered is greater than 100000 and an Override will be displayed if the AMOUNT entered is less than 1000.
Question: A user inputs anArrangement for the Personal Loan product.. Which application stores values for the fields AMOUNT, TERM, etc. which belong to the Term Amount Property Class for the given arrangement?
Question: Which application would provide the details of last activity triggered on a arrangement?
Question: Which of the following is user definable in AA?
1. Product Group2. Property3. Product Condition4. Activity5. All of the above
Answer: All of the above
Question: Which application is used to store all the information about product lines?
Question: A property needs to be defined as part of the product - but should not be visible to the user at the arrangement nor should any activity be allowed for this property. How can this be achieved?
1. Set PROPERTY.RESTRICTION field for a property to PRODUCT.ONLY2. Set PRODUCT.ONLY field for a property to true3. Set PROPERTY.TYPE field for a property to PRODUCT.ONLY4. Set PROPERTY.TYPE field for a property to PRODUCT5. This cannot be done
Answer: Set PROPERTY.TYPE field for a property to PRODUCT.ONLY
Question: What is true about currency specific Product Conditions?
1. A currency specific Product Condition can be created only for the local currency.2. You cannot manually specify a currency as part of the ID while creating a Product Condition.3. Product condition could be defined in any permissible currency but, if the currency is not stated, it automatically defaults to the local currency.4. If the currency is defined in the Product Condition ID, then a date cannot be part of the ID.5.
Answer: Product condition could be defined in any permissible currency but, if the currency is not stated, it automatically defaults to the local currency.
Question: At any given point of time how many Product Conditions are applied for a Property of an Arrangement.
1. Two2. Three3. Any number4. One5. Product Conditions are attached to Property Classes and not to Properties.
Answer: One
Question: In which application can we find out whether a given Property Class has been defined as mandatory for a product?
1. Product Condition2. Product Group3. Product Line4. Product5.
Answer: Product Line
Question: Where can the User define a Property as mandatory for a Product?
1. Product Condition2. Product Group3. Product Line4. Product5.
Answer: Product Group
Question: A bank has introduced a new Mortgage Product. One of the bank's customers is interested in it and wants to know the payment amount, based on a negotiated interest rate, before entering into a agreement with the bank. Can this be done in AA?
1. It is not possible.2. The bank can simulate a new arrangement.3. It is not possible since only live arrangements can be created.4. It is not possible since simulation is possible only for activities other than new arrangement.5. It is not possible, though a new arrangement can be simulated, interest rate cannot be negotiated.
Answer: The bank can simulate a new arrangement.
Question: A user inputs a backdated activity for an Internet Service Arrangement. To his surprise he notices that no activities are reversed or replayed. What is the reason for this?
1. Reverse and replay for the Product was not opted by the user2. AA does not support reversal and replay of activities.3. Reverse / Replay is not supported for Products belonging to the Internet Services Product Line.4. A user cannot input backdated activities in AA.5. Only the forward dated activites are replayed.
Answer: Reverse / Replay is not supported for Products belonging to the Internet Services Product Line.
Question: Which application allows the user to initiate simulation in AA?
Question: A customer wants to negotiate the interest rate of a loan product and to understand the effect of a commitment increase. The user understands that he needs to simulate two activities (change interest and increase commitment) as part of one scenario. How can this be achieved?
1. This is not possible since only one activity can be simulated at any given time.2. The user can define the Increase Commitment Activity as a related activity of the Change Interest Activity.3. The user must first capture both Activities using AA.SIMULATION.CAPTURE. He can then create a AA.SIMULATION.RUNNER record and reference the IDs of the two captured activities.4. It is not possible since Increase Commitment Activity cannot be simulated.5. It is not possible since Change Interest Activity cannot be simulated.
Answer: The user must first capture both Activities using AA.SIMULATION.CAPTURE. He can then create a AA.SIMULATION.RUNNER record and reference the IDs of the two captured activities.
Question: Which Product Lines are not pre-defined by Temenos?
1. ACCOUNTS, DEPOSITS and LENDING2. INTERNET.SERVICES and PROXY.SERVICES3. OTHER and PROXY.SERVICES4. All Product Lines are pre-defined. They are not user definable5. No Product Lines are pre-defined. They are all user definable
Answer: All Product Lines are pre-defined. They are not user definable
Question: Which of the following Product Groups cannot be created by the user?
1. Product Groups containing a "#" value in their ID2. Product Groups cannot be created for the Product Line "OTHER"3. Product Groups are released by Temenos. Product Groups cannot be created by users.4. Any Product Group can be created. None are hard coded5.
Answer: Any Product Group can be created. None are hard coded
Question: How are Product Groups linked to Product Lines in AA.PRODUCT.GROUP?
1. Product Groups are not linked to a Product2. Id of Product Group forms part of the id of Product.3. Through the PRODUCT.LINE field in AA.PRODUCT.GROUP4. Any Product Group which uses the Property Class of a Product Line is automatically linked to the line5. By specifying a value of "INTERNAL" in the GROUP.TYPE field in AA.PRODUCT.GROUP.
Answer: Through the PRODUCT.LINE field in AA.PRODUCT.GROUP
Question: A bank would like to create a base Product and pass on the characteristics of the properties to its child products. The base Product should not be sold to the customers. How can a bank achieve this?
1. The base Product should be marked as "Inheritance Only"2. The base Product should be marked as 'Yes' for a Default product3. Not possible, all products created should be sold to the customers4. Another product should be duly indicated as its Parent5. The base product should not be published
Answer: The base Product should be marked as "Inheritance Only"
Question: How can a bank create a Retail Account Product in AA which could be available in all currencies?
1. By default all the products are available in all currencies2. By indicating a value of ALL in the CURRENCY field of the Product Designer3. By indicating the desired currencies in multi- value field CURRENCY of the Product Designer4. By marking LINE.ATTRIBUTE as CCY in ACCOUNTS Product Line5.
Answer: By indicating the desired currencies in multi- value field CURRENCY of the Product Designer
Question: A bank creates a Product called "Home Loan" but does not assign conditions to a mandatory Property in the group. But the product is successfully proofed and published. What could be the reason?
1. If the "Home Loan" Product has inherited the mandatory conditions from a Parent Product, then this would be possible2. During proofing, this Property will become optional3. If the mandatory Property is specified as Non-Tracking, then this will be possible4. If the mandatory Property is specified as Tracking, then this will be possible5.
Answer: If the "Home Loan" Product has inherited the mandatory conditions from a Parent Product, then this would be possible
Question: What happens when arrangement link is set to "CUSTOM TRACKING" for a product condition in a product?
1. Those attributes that were negotiated or set as FIX-VALUE remain fixed at the arrangement and rest of the attributes track the changes at the product condition.2. Those attributes that were negotiated at the arrangement will track changes at the product condition and rest of the attributes remain fixed3. Any subsequent changes to the product conditions will be automatically applied to all existing arrangements irrespective of negotiations at the arrangement4. Any subsequent changes to the product conditions will not affect existing arrangements5.
Answer: Those attributes that were negotiated or set as FIX-VALUE remain fixed at the arrangement and rest of the attributes track the changes at the product condition.
Question: Is it possible to include more than one Property of a INTEREST Property Class in a Product?
1. Yes, since the TYPE of the Property Class has been defined as MULTIPLE2. Yes, since the TYPE of the Property Class has been defined as DATED3. This is not possible since only one property can be attached to a INTEREST property class.4. This is not since the TYPE of the Property class has been defined as TRACKING5.
Answer: Yes, since the TYPE of the Property Class has been defined as MULTIPLE
Question: The ACCOUNT Property Class is defined as mandatory in the LENDING record of AA.PRODUCT.LINE. What effect does this have on Product Groups?
1. It is not possible for a Property Class to be specified as mandatory in AA.PRODUCT.LINE2. At least one Property of the ACCOUNT Property Class has to be included in a Product Group that is linked to the LENDING Product Line3. All Properties of the ACCOUNT Property Class have to be included in all Product Groups linked to LENDING Product Line4. This has no effect on AA.PRODUCT.GROUP as the rule is meant only for AA.PRODUCT.LINE5.
Answer: At least one Property of the ACCOUNT Property Class has to be included in a Product Group that is linked to the LENDING Product Line
Question: How many balances can an Arrangement of a financial product have ?
1. One for each Property.2. Depends on the balance prefix for the associated properties.3. One for each Property Class.4. One for each Product Condition.5.
Answer: Depends on the balance prefix for the associated properties.
Question: The bank would like to create a number of products which are very similar and only differ in some features. What should you advise?
1. Create a single parent product and multiple child products. Place the common conditions in the parent product and define properties with unique conditions in the child products2. Create a single parent product with the common conditions and a single child product with negotiation rules to allow minor changes at the arrangement level3. Create a single product with negotiation rules to allow minor changes at the Arrangement level4. Create a single product, and multivalue the product conditions within the product to create the variations required5.
Answer: Create a single parent product and multiple child products. Place the common conditions in the parent product and define properties with unique conditions in the child products
Question: The bank wishes to reorganise the structure of the Product Catalog (in the model bank screen view). Specifically, they would like to combine the Internet Services and Proxy Services Product Groups and display them as one single classification in the catalog instead of 2 separate classifications. Is this possible ?
1. Not possible, this is only possible for Product Groups in the OTHER Product Line.2. Set the same value in ATTRIBUTE field of the Product Groups3. Not possible, the Product Catalog structure must reflect the Product Groups4. Modify the PRODUCT.LINE field in the Product Groups.5. Recreate the Product Groups in the OTHER Product Line and move the products across by modifying their PRODUCT.GROUP field
Answer: Set the same value in ATTRIBUTE field of the Product Groups
Question: Which of the following is true about the Effective Date for a Product Condition?
1. It is optional for certain Property Classes2. Product Conditions cannot be created with an Effective date in the past3. The product must have a product condition for each property with an effective date no later than the Availablity Date4. All product conditions for a Product must have the same effective date5.
Answer: The product must have a product condition for each property with an effective date no later than the Availablity Date
Question: A new product has an INTEREST property linked to a Product Condition called SINGLE. There are two product conditions called SINGLE one dated 15 July 2011, the other dated 5th August 2011. I proof and publish this product with an available date of 1 August 2011. Today's date is 23rd July 2011. What happens?
1. Product is published and will be available from 1 August 20112. Product fails to proof3. Product proofs but fails to publish4. Product is published and becomes available immediately5. Product is published and will be available from 5 August 2011
Answer: Product is published and will be available from 1 August 2011
Question: A new product has an ACCOUNT property linked to a Product Condition called SAVER. There are two product conditions named SAVER - one is dated 29th July, the other is dated 5th September. I proof and publish this product with an available date of 23rd July. Today's date is 15th July. What happens?
1. Product is published and will be available from 23rd July2. Product fails to proof3. Product proofs but fails to publish4. Product is published and will be available from 29th July5. Product is published and will be available from 5th September
Answer: Product fails to proof
Question: Which of the following is not true about the Availability Date used in proofing and publishing a product?
1. It is the earliest date for which an Arrangement can be created for this product2. It is when the Product first appears in the Product Catalog3. The product must have a product condition for each property with an effective date no later than the Availablity Date4. The effective date of a product condition must be later than the date on which the product is published5. It is mandatory when Proofing
Answer: The effective date of a product condition must be later than the date on which the product is published
Question: A user would has created a new Property to be used in a product. Where should the user first attach this property to be effected on the product?
1. Product2. Product Group3. Product Line4. Property Class5. Not possible, Properties are created by Temenos
Answer: Product Group
Question: A user would like to include a new Property of a Property Class in a product. The product already contains another property of the same property class. Which attribute controls whether this is possible?
1. Property Class TYPE field must be set to MULTIPLE2. Product Group ATTRIBUTE field must be set to MULTIPLE3. Product Line LINE.ATTRIBUTE field must be set to MULTIPLE4. Property PROPERTY.TYPE field must not be set PRODUCT.ONLY5. Not possible, Properties are created by Temenos
Answer: Property Class TYPE field must be set to MULTIPLE
Question: A Bank would like to design a Loan Product wherein both Principal Interest and Penalty Interest are levied on the customers. The rate and balances at which these interests are calculated are different. How can this be designed in AA?
1. Create two properties for interest. Attach different product conditions for each of these properties in the product and attach corresponding balances in AA.PRODUCT.DESIGNER for each of these properties.2. Interest property cannot be created in multiples3. Create two properties for interest and attach the same product condition for both the properties.4. Create one property for Interest and attach two different product conditions and attach corresponding balances in AA.PRODUCT.DESIGNER for each of these properties.5.
Answer: Create two properties for interest. Attach different product conditions for each of these properties in the product and attach corresponding balances in AA.PRODUCT.DESIGNER for each of these properties.
Question: A consultant onsite tries to add a ACTIVITY.CHARGE Property to an INTERNET.SERVICES Product Group but this causes an error. What can they do to rectify this?
1. Add the ACTIVITY.CHARGE Property Class to the INTERNET.SERVICES Product Line2. Add the ACTIVITY.CHARGE Property to the INTERNET.SERVICES Product Line3. It is not possible to configure this as it is not supported by the INTERNET.SERVICES Product Line4. Create a new Product Line, and include the ACTIVITY.CHARGE Property Class in this Product Line5. Set the PROPERTY.TYPE attribute in the Property to PRODUCT.ONLY
Answer: It is not possible to configure this as it is not supported by the INTERNET.SERVICES Product Line
Question: A consultant creates a new Property. What additional new configuration data can then be associated with that Property?
1. Activities only2. Activities, Activity Classes and Property Classes3. Activities and balance types if any balance prefix is defined4. Property Classes and Activity Classes only5. Property Classes only
Answer: Activities and balance types if any balance prefix is defined
Question: Among the following property classes, choose the one in which the child product condition does not merge with the parent product condition .
Question: A user tries to run a simulation but gets a pop-up window saying "Processing…" which does not stop. What could the problem be?
1. The simulation service is not running2. There is an error in the Simulation Capture record3. There is an error in the Simulation Runner record4. The Simulation Capture has been entered but a simulation Runner record has not been created5. The Simulation Runner has been entered but a Simulation Capture record has not been created
Answer: The simulation service is not running
Question: Product condition for interest property in a product is set as "NON.TRACKING". The interest rate at the product is set as 10% and changed to 20% at Arrangement. There is a CHANGE.PRODUCT scheduled in 3 Months and the Interest in that product is configured to 12.5%. Assuming all conditions have DEFAULT.ATTR.OPTION set to "RESETTING" what would be the rate on the arrangement after 3 months?
1. Interest rate stays at 10%2. Interest rate stays at 20%3. Interest rate resets to 12.5%4. An error message is produced for the configuration in AA.PRODUCT.DESIGNER5.
Answer: Interest rate resets to 12.5%
Question: Can a bank user choose to publish a product through a service?
1. Yes it is possible by running the service AA.SIMULATION.SERVICE with process method as SERVICE2. Yes it is possible by running the service AA.PROOF.SERVICE3. Yes it is possible by running the service AA.PUBLISH.SERVICE with process method as SERVICE4. Yes it is possible by running the service AA.PUBLISH.SERVICE with process method as ONLINE5.
Answer: Yes it is possible by running the service AA.PUBLISH.SERVICE with process method as SERVICE
Question: A bank wants to define Special Term Deposits, wherein, the Deposit amount is flexible and does not follow any default amount. Is this possible to be set under Term Amount product condition?
1. The AMOUNT field should be left blank so that no value is defaulted at the Arrangement level and the attribute should be set as Negotiable2. The AMOUNT field should be left blank so that no value is defaulted at the Arrangement level and the attribute should be set as Non-Negotiable3. The AMOUNT field should have a default value and the DEFAULT.NEGOTIABLE field should be set to No so that no amount is defaulted4. It is not possible to set such a condition5. The AMOUNT field should have no default value. Additionally, it should be set as Non-Negotiable and to produce an Override message
Answer: The AMOUNT field should be left blank so that no value is defaulted at the Arrangement level and the attribute should be set as Negotiable
Question: A bank wishes to offer a "Preferential Deposit" Product and its commitment amount must be 500,000. How can this be specified in Term Amount product condition?
1. The AMOUNT field should have a default value of 500,000 and be set as Non-Negotiable2. This cannot be set as it is possible for the Deposit to be offered in different currencies3. AMOUNT Attribute should be set as Non-Negotiable with a Comparison type of EQUAL and Value of 500,0004. AMOUNT Attribute should be set as Negotiable with a Comparison type of EQUAL and Value of 500,0005. AMOUNT Attribute should be set as Negotiable with a Comparison type of UNEQUAL and Value of 500,000
Answer: The AMOUNT field should have a default value of 500,000 and be set as Non-Negotiable
Question: A bank wishes to offer "High Value Deposits" which would not be allowed to be negotiated above 5 million at the Arrangement level. How can this be specified in Term Amount product condition?
1. The AMOUNT field may be defined with a default value of 5 million and set as Non-Negotiable2. The AMOUNT field may be defined with no default value and set as Non-Negotiable3. The AMOUNT field may be defined with no default value and set to Negotiable upto a MINIMUM of 5 million below which it should be set to generate an Override message4. The AMOUNT field may be defined with a default value and set to Negotiable upto a MAXIMUM of 5 million beyond which it should be set to generate an Override message5. The AMOUNT field may be defined with an optional default value upto 5 million and set to Negotiable upto a MAXIMUM of 5 million beyond which it should be set to generate an Error message
Answer: The AMOUNT field may be defined with an optional default value upto 5 million and set to Negotiable upto a MAXIMUM of 5 million beyond which it should be set to generate an Error message
Question: A bank wants to display an Override message if the default value of an attribute is amended at the arrangement level. How should it go about setting this condition?
1. It cannot. The default value of an attribute cannot be amended at the arrangement level2. For the appropriate attribute, NR.MESSAGE should be set to 'OVERRIDE'3. For the appropriate attribute, NR.MESSAGE should be set to 'ERROR'4. For the appropriate attribute, NR.OPTIONS should be set to 'OVERRIDE'5. For the appropriate attribute, NR.OPTIONS should be set to 'MANDATORY'
Answer: For the appropriate attribute, NR.OPTIONS should be set to 'OVERRIDE'
Question: A Property Class has CCY set in its TYPE field. While creating a Product Condition, what happens if currency is not explicitly specified as part of the Id?
1. The currency part of the Id is automatically defaulted to local currency2. The date part of the Id is automatically defaulted to local currency3. The Product Condition cannot be committed4. T24 will prompt the user for a currency5. The currency part of the Id is automatically defaulted to Arrangement Currency
Answer: The currency part of the Id is automatically defaulted to local currency
Question: While creating a Product Condition for the Term Amount Property Class the user enters a record Id without a date. What will be the effect?
1. The condition will be created without a date2. Since a date is mandatory for the Term Amount Property Class, the user will encounter error when trying to commit the record3. The date part of the record Id is automatically defaulted to system date4. An error will occur when proofing a Product with this Product Condition5. The date part of the record Id is automatically defaulted to the Arrangement date
Answer: The date part of the record Id is automatically defaulted to system date
Question: A bank only deals with USD which is also its local currency. A definition exists in CHARGE product condition and a currency has not been stated in the key of this condition (e.g. ADMINCHARGE--20130101) . What is the effect of this on the CURRENCY field of the Charge condition?
1. The CURRENCY field is defaulted with the local currency (i.e. USD)2. The CURRENCY field must be populated, however the currency specified in this field can be different from the currency defined in Id3. The CURRENCY field is defaulted with the currency defined in Id4. Only charge dealing with USD may be stated in this condition and no other currency would be allowed5.
Answer: The CURRENCY field must be populated, however the currency specified in this field can be different from the currency defined in Id
Question: What are Periodic Rules?
1. Rules that apply only to PERIODIC.CHARGES property.2. Rules for governing periodic interest rates3. Rules placed on attributes that have a time element4. Rules that can be applied daily, weekly, monthly or annually5. Rules that determine the frequency of scheduled activities
Answer: Rules placed on attributes that have a time element
Question: The Arrangement Overview displays the full Schedule of payments(with dates, amount etc till the end of the schedule) for an Arrangement. In which table is the data for this stored?
1. AA.SCHEDULE.DETAILS2. AA.DETAILS.SCHEDULE3. AA.SCHEDULED.ACTIVITY4. AA.ARR.PAYMENT.SCHEDULE5. It is not stored anywhere, they are projected and computed at run time by a NOFILE enquiry
Answer: It is not stored anywhere, they are projected and computed at run time by a NOFILE enquiry
Question: Which of the following is not true about the Availability Date used in proofing and publishing a product?
1. It is the earliest date for which an Arrangement can be created for this product2. It is when the Product first appears in the Product Catalog3. The product must have a product condition for each property with an effective date no later than the Availablity Date4. It must be later than or equal to the date on which the product is published5. It is mandatory when Proofing
Answer: It must be later than or equal to the date on which the product is published
Question: Where can a bank define a Negotiation Rule Attribute for use with a Product Condition?
1. A Negotiation Rule Attribute is any valid field name in the respective property class and that could be defined directly in the product condition.2. A Negotiation Rule Attribute can be defined by creating a valid record in AA.PROPERTY.CLASS, as attributes are derived from respective Property Class3. A Negotiation Rule Attribute can be defined by creating a valid record in AA.PROPERTY4. A Negotiation Rule Attribute can be defined by creating a valid record in AA.PRODUCT.LINE, as attributes are derived from respective Property Classes5.
Answer: A Negotiation Rule Attribute is any valid field name in the respective property class and that could be defined directly in the product condition.
Question: A bank wishes to create a Product Condition which allows for negotiation of certain attributes at Arrangement level while some other fields should be non-negotiable. How should it go about creating this condition if it has decided to set the DEFAULT.NEGOTIABLE field to Yes?
1. It should specify the fields that are Non-Negotiable and must specify default values for any of these fields which are mandatory. For Negotiable fields the bank can optionally define default values and any necessary negotiation rules2. It should specify the fields that are Non-Negotiable and optionally specify default values for any of these fields which are mandatory. For Negotiable fields the bank must define default values and any necessary negotiation rules3. It is not possible to set the DEFAULT.NEGOTIABLE field as Yes when there are Negotiable fields4. It is not possible to set the DEFAULT.NEGOTIABLE field as Yes when there are Non Negotiable fields5.
Answer: It should specify the fields that are Non-Negotiable and must specify default values for any of these fields which are mandatory. For Negotiable fields the bank can optionally define default values and any necessary negotiation rules
Question: A bank wishes to offer "High value Deposits" but wants a warning if the deposit amount goes above 2 million at the Arrangement level. How can this be specified in the Product condition?
1. The AMOUNT attribute to be defined with a default value of 2 million and set to Non-Negotiable2. The AMOUNT field to be defined with an optional value upto 2 million and set to Negotiable upto a MAXIMUM of 2 million beyond which it should generate an Error message3. The AMOUNT field may be defined with no default value and set to Negotiable upto a MAXIMUM of 2 million above which it should be set to generate an Override message4. The AMOUNT field to be defined with a default value of 2 million and set Default Negotiable to NO5.
Answer: The AMOUNT field may be defined with no default value and set to Negotiable upto a MAXIMUM of 2 million above which it should be set to generate an Override message
Question: A bank wishes to offer "Housing Loans" which generally have a Term of 5 Years or more. In certain cases the bank wishes to approve an arrangement which is less than 5 years. How can this be specified in the Product condition?
1. This cannot be set up2. The TERM field should be defined with no default value and set as Negotiable with a MINPERIOD of 5Y, below which it should generate an Error message3. The TERM field should be defined with no default value and set as Negotiable with a MINIMUM of 5Y, below which it should generate an Error message4. The TERM field should be defined with an optional default value of 5Y or above and set as Negotiable with a MINPERIOD of 5Y, below which it should generate an Override message5.
Answer: The TERM field should be defined with an optional default value of 5Y or above and set as Negotiable with a MINPERIOD of 5Y, below which it should generate an Override message
Question: A Property can be hidden to prevent users from modifying or viewing the attributes at the arrangement level. How is this achieved?
1. For such a Property, the PROPERTY.TYPE in AA.PROPERTY should be set to 'SUSPEND'2. For such a Property, the PROPERTY.TYPE in AA.PROPERTY should be left blank3. For such a Property, the PROPERTY.TYPE in AA.PROPERTY should be set to 'PRODUCT.ONLY'4. This is not possible as a Property belonging to an arrangement can never be hidden5.
Answer: For such a Property, the PROPERTY.TYPE in AA.PROPERTY should be set to 'PRODUCT.ONLY'
Question: A bank wants to display an Override message if the default value of an attribute is amended at the arrangement level. How should it go about setting this condition?
1. It cannot. The default value of an attribute cannot be amended at the arrangement level2. For the appropriate attribute, NR.MESSAGE should be set to 'OVERRIDE'3. For the appropriate attribute, NR.MESSAGE should be set to 'ERROR'4. For the appropriate attribute, NR.OPTIONS should be set to 'OVERRIDE'5. For the appropriate attribute, NR.OPTIONS should be set to 'MANDATORY'
Answer: For the appropriate attribute, NR.OPTIONS should be set to 'OVERRIDE'
Question: Which Activity is generated by the system when AA sends a message for Delivery?
1. Issue Advice2. Issue Notice3. Activity Message4. Issue Message5. No Activity is generated
Answer: No Activity is generated
Question: Which application must the user enter to calculate a payoff?
Question: A bank wishes to have multiple Properties of the Payment schedule Property Class into one Product and asks you to configure the system to allow this. What would be a correct response?
1. This is not supported, can only have one Property for Payment schedule and this is not user configurable2. Define multiple properties in AA.PROPERTY table for Payment schedule property class3. Add the value MULTIPLE to the TYPE field in the Property Class4. Add multiple Properties to the Product Condition record5. Directly add multiple Properties to the Product group and define the conditions for those in AA.PRODUCT.DESIGNER
Answer: This is not supported, can only have one Property for Payment schedule and this is not user configurable
Question: A bank wishes to create an offer for a customer to extend the term of the existing loan with a new payment schedule, and show the customer the new payment schedule. Since this is only an offer which the customer may or may not accept, the bank user does not want to modify the live conditions. How is this done?
1. Not possible using the existing arrangement, the user must create a new Arrangement2. The user creates a Simulation Capture which then calculates and displays the payment schedule3. The user creates a Simulation Capture for the requirement, runs the simulation, then looks at the simulated Arrangement Overview4. The user creates a Change Payment Schedule Activity, and puts it on HOLD and views the result of his input in overview screen5.
Answer: The user creates a Simulation Capture for the requirement, runs the simulation, then looks at the simulated Arrangement Overview
Question: What happens when an activity, which has a property condition which is processing a M function as part of it, is authorized?
1. The activity would not be allowed to Authorize since there is no Authorization for M function2. The activity would be authorized and system would perform an Authorize process for M function as well.3. The activity would be allowed to Authorize, but the property with the M function would be skipped during this.4. The activity with M function as part of it, should only be processed as Zero authorization since M processes both input and Authorize in one go only.5.
Answer: The activity would be authorized and system would perform an Authorize process for M function as well.
Question: A bank wants to suspend the interest amount that is already overdue (in Bills) when the Arrangement begins to "suspend"(stops accruing to PL) . What should be done to achieve this?
1. In AA.PROPERTY, PROPERTY.TYPE Field should be set as SUSPEND.OVERDUES for the interest record2. SUSPEND.OVERDUE Field should be set to "YES" in OVERDUE product condition3. For the interest property SUSPEND.OVERDUES should be set to YES4. SUSPEND field in OVERDUE product condition should be flagged as SUSPEND.OVERDUES5.
Answer: In AA.PROPERTY, PROPERTY.TYPE Field should be set as SUSPEND.OVERDUES for the interest record
Question: What is the purpose of defining Negotiation rules at the product condition level?
1. So that all attribute values get defaulted in the Arrangement2. So that attribute values at the arrangement level may be modified according to the rules stated3. So that specific screen versions may be controlled at the arrangement level4. Decides the eligibility of a customer for a product5. Filters the eligible products for a customer in the catalog
Answer: So that attribute values at the arrangement level may be modified according to the rules stated
Question: A Bank desires that for Charges and Interest, they would like to create additional product conditions(to be designed at the Product level), to be applicable at a later date, at the Arrangement level. Is this possible to be set?
1. Future dated product conditions cannot be created2. More than one product condition per Property cannot be created3. Yes, since the TYPE Field of the Property Class has been defined as CURRENCY4. Yes, since the TYPE Field of the Property Class has been defined as DATED5. Yes, since the TYPE Field of the Property Class has been defined as MULTIPLE
Answer: Yes, since the TYPE Field of the Property Class has been defined as DATED
Question: By referring to which application can we determine whether a given Property Class is mandatory for a line of business?
Question: While setting rules for Term and Amount for Corporate loans, a Bank has decided to set DEFAULT.NEGOTIABLE Field as Yes and not to set any Negotiation rules. What will be the effect of this setting?
1. All Fields that have a default value would be defaulted at Arrangement level and the Term and Amount related choices are fully negotiable2. All Fields that have a default value would be defaulted at Arrangement level and the Term and Amount related choices are fully Non negotiable3. It is not possible to set like this. The Bank should indicate Fields that are Not Negotiable4. It is not possible to set like this. The Bank should indicate Fields that are Negotiable5.
Answer: All Fields that have a default value would be defaulted at Arrangement level and the Term and Amount related choices are fully negotiable
Question: Which of the following statements is not true with respect to Inheritance in AA?
1. Parent products can also be sold2. Variations in products easily achieved3. A product can have unlimited number of children4. Any number of parents can be specified for a product5.
Answer: Any number of parents can be specified for a product
Question: A Bank desires that during renewal activities product conditions should have the option of being maintained at the arrangement level or can be reset from the product. Is this possible?
1. This is not possible as property conditions are automatically reset during renewal activities.2. Field DEFAULT.ATTR.OPTION for respective product conditions should be set as 'RESETTING' or 'NON-RESETTING'3. Field DEFAULT.ATTR.OPTION for respective product condition should be set as 'TRACKING' or 'NON-TRACKING'4. Field DEFAULT.NEGOTIABLE for respective product conditions should be set as 'RESETTING' or 'NON-RESETTING'5. This is not possible as property conditions are automatically maintained at the arrangement level during renewal activities.
Answer: Field DEFAULT.ATTR.OPTION for respective product conditions should be set as 'RESETTING' or 'NON-RESETTING'
Question: A bank wishes to offer a lending product for which the minimum loan amount is 100,000. However, there is no limit for maximum loan amount. Is it possible to configure this in Term Amount Product condition ?
1. The AMOUNT field should be defined with no default value and set to Negotiable upto a MAXIMUM of 100,0002. The AMOUNT field need not have any default value. However, the AMOUNT field should be set as negotiable subject to a MINIMUM amount of 100,000 and less than which it should generate an error message.3. The AMOUNT field should be defined with a default value of 100,000 and set as Non-Negotiable4. The AMOUNT field must be defined with a default value and set to Negotiable upto a MAXIMUM of 100,000 beyond which it should generate error message.5. The AMOUNT field should be defined with no default value and set as Non-Negotiable
Answer: The AMOUNT field need not have any default value. However, the AMOUNT field should be set as negotiable subject to a MINIMUM amount of 100,000 and less than which it should generate an error message.
Question: A bank wishes to offer loans with a Fixed Term of 2 Years. However, in special cases, it would allow the term to be extended upto 4 Years, but the minimum term should not be less than 2 years. How can this be achieved in Term amount product condition?
1. The TERM field should be defined with no default value and set as Negotiable with a MINPERIOD of 4Y, below which it should generate an Error message2. This cannot be set in AA3. The TERM field should be defined with an optional default value of 4Y or above and set as Negotiable with a MINPERIOD of 3Y, below which it should generate an Override message4. The TERM field should be defined with a default value of 2Y. Also, the TERM field should be set as Negotiable with a MINPERIOD of 2Y and MAXPERIOD of 4Y with error messages when the value is less is less than 2Y or more than 4Y5. The TERM field should be defined with an optional default value of 3Y or above and set as Negotiable with a MINPERIOD of 4Y, below which it should generate an Override message
Answer: The TERM field should be defined with a default value of 2Y. Also, the TERM field should be set as Negotiable with a MINPERIOD of 2Y and MAXPERIOD of 4Y with error messages when the value is less is less than 2Y or more than 4Y
Question: A bank wishes to offer "Special Deposits" which generally have a Term of 5 Years or more. In special cases, the bank wishes to approve an arrangement which is less than 5 years. How can this be specified in Term amount product condition?
1. This cannot be set in AA2. The TERM field should be defined with no default value and set as Negotiable with a MINPERIOD of 5Y, below which it should generate an Error message3. The TERM field should be defined with no default value and set as Negotiable with a MINIMUM of 5Y, below which it should generate an Error message4. The TERM field should be defined with an optional default value of 5Y or above and set as Negotiable with a MINIMUM of 5Y, below which it should generate an Override message5. The TERM field should be defined with an optional default value of 5Y or above and set as Negotiable with a MINPERIOD of 5Y, below which it should generate an Override message
Answer: The TERM field should be defined with an optional default value of 5Y or above and set as Negotiable with a MINPERIOD of 5Y, below which it should generate an Override message
Question: A consultant wants to define AC.BALANCE.TYPE for all ageing types when he is designing a loan product. Where could he find the prefixes for the Ageing balance types?
Answer: EB.LOOKUP definition of AA.OVERDUE.STATUS
Question: When Changing Products, what must the two products have in common?
1. They must have the same Account Product Condition2. Nothing. If CHG.TO.PRODUCT is left blank, allowed to switch to all products3. They must have the same Interest Product Condition4. They must be members of the same Product Group5.
Answer: They must be members of the same Product Group
Question: A bank wishes to offer a Special Deposit for which the minimum amount should be set as 100,000. However, there is no limit on the maximum deposit amount. Is it possible to configure this in Term Amount Product condition ?
1. The AMOUNT field need not have any default value. However, the AMOUNT field should be set as negotiable subject to a MINIMUM amount of 100,000 and less than which it should generate an error message.2. The AMOUNT field should be defined with a default value of 100,000 and set as Non-Negotiable3. The AMOUNT field should be defined with no default value and set to Negotiable upto a MAXIMUM of 100,0004. The AMOUNT field must be defined with a default value and set to Negotiable upto a MAXIMUM of 100,000 beyond which it should generate error message.5. The AMOUNT field should be defined with no default value and set as Non-Negotiable
Answer: The AMOUNT field need not have any default value. However, the AMOUNT field should be set as negotiable subject to a MINIMUM amount of 100,000 and less than which it should generate an error message.
Question: A bank wishes to offer deposits with a "Fixed Term of 3Y". However, in special cases, it would allow the term to be extended upto 4Y, but it will not accept deposit less than 3Y. How can this be achieved in Term amount product condition?
1. The TERM field should be defined with default value of 3Y. Also, the TERM field should be set as Negotiable with a MINPERIOD of 3Y and MAXPERIOD of 4Y with error messages when the value is less is than 3 years and greater than 4 years.2. The TERM field should be defined with an optional default value of 4Y or above and set as Negotiable with a MINPERIOD of 3Y, below which it should generate an Override message3. This cannot be set in AA4. The TERM field should be defined with no default value and set as Negotiable with a MINPERIOD of 4Y, below which it should generate an Error message5. The TERM field should be defined with an optional default value of 3Y or above and set as Negotiable with a MINPERIOD of 4Y, below which it should generate an Override message
Answer: The TERM field should be defined with default value of 3Y. Also, the TERM field should be set as Negotiable with a MINPERIOD of 3Y and MAXPERIOD of 4Y with error messages when the value is less is than 3 years and greater than 4 years.
Question: "The following is a Product Condition for the Term Amount Property Class: Attribute.1: TERM Options.1: NEGOTIABLE Type.1: MINPERIOD Value.1: 1Y Message.1: OVERRIDE Attribute.2 : REVOLVING Options.2 : OVERRIDE Default Negotiable : NO Which of the following is a correct statement?"
1. While inputting an Arrangement, an Override will be displayed if the TERM entered is greater than 1Y and an Override will be displayed if the REVOLVING field is negotiated2. This is an incorrect definition. For the Attribute REVOLVING, OVERRIDE is an invalid option when Default Negotiable is NO3. While inputting an Arrangement, an Error will be displayed if the TERM entered is less than 1Y and an Override will be displayed if the REVOLVING field is left blank4. While inputting an Arrangement, an Error will be displayed if the TERM entered is greater than 1Y and an Override will be displayed if the REVOLVING field is left blank5.
Answer: This is an incorrect definition. For the Attribute REVOLVING, OVERRIDE is an invalid option when Default Negotiable is NO
Question: The bank wants to see only the Inputtable properties on the screen and does not wish to see any other properties - for example during UPDATE-OFFICERS property, it only wants to see OFFICERS property and does not wish to see Interest, Payment schedule etc. Can this be done?
1. Yes - Do not define any versions for the properties that you don’t wish to see2. No - this cannot be controlled as it is managed by core3. Yes - through configuration in ACTIVITY.PRESENTATION property4. Yes - this can be controlled through VERSION application5.
Answer: Yes - through configuration in ACTIVITY.PRESENTATION property
Question: When a CHANGE-INTEREST activity is opened in AA.SIMULATION.CAPTURE, which application is opened in Input mode ?
Question: A bank wants to define a property(and its conditions) - say Officers property - at the product level and does not want the property to appear when taking arrangements/doing amendments. How can this be achieved?
1. Skip defining that property in AA.PRODUCT.GROUP2. Define the property as PRODUCT.ONLY in AA.PROPERTY and include it like any other property in the product3. Skip defining that property in AA.PRODUCT.DESIGNER4. Do not include the property in ACTIVITY.PRESENTATION so that it does not appear on the screen5.
Answer: Define the property as PRODUCT.ONLY in AA.PROPERTY and include it like any other property in the product
Question: When an Interest property is defined as SUSPEND and SUSPEND.OVERDUES in PROPERTY.TYPE field what does it indicate?
1. When the arrangement is taken out, the interest gets suspended2. When a contract goes overdue, the system gets suspended3. When a contract becomes overdue and reaches a status set for suspension, this property suspends all of its past and current dues4. When a contract becomes overdue and reaches a status set for suspension, the property starts suspending subsequent dues5. It is not possible to define both
Answer: When a contract becomes overdue and reaches a status set for suspension, this property suspends all of its past and current dues
Question: When an Interest property is defined as SUSPEND in PROPERTY.TYPE field, what does it indicate?
1. When the arrangement is taken out, the interest gets suspended2. When a contract goes overdue, the system gets suspended3. When a contract becomes overdue and reaches a status set for suspension, this property suspends all of its past and current dues4. When a contract becomes overdue and reaches a status set for suspension, the property starts suspending subsequent dues5. It is not possible to define SUSPEND without defining SUSPEND.OVERDUES
Answer: When a contract becomes overdue and reaches a status set for suspension, the property starts suspending subsequent dues
Question: When a Interest property is defined as "RESIDUAL.ACCRUAL" in PROPERTY.TYPE field of AA.PROPERTY, what feature does it provide?
1. Interest would accrue only on residual amount stated in the Payment schedule2. When interest accrued is greater than the amount made due for interest for that period, the excess amount may be moved to RES balance of this property3. When interest accrued is greater than the amount made due for interest for that period, the excess amount may be moved to RES balance of this property4. When interest accrued is greater than the amount made due for interest for that period, the excess amount would be updated in RESIDUAL.AMOUNT field of Payment schedule record5.
Answer: When interest accrued is greater than the amount made due for interest for that period, the excess amount may be moved to RES balance of this property
Question: A Bank has designed a product which has a promotional interest rate for the first year and from second year onwards, it moves to standard rates. The bank wants users to be allowed to negotiate this standard rate when the new arrangement is taken. What can the bank do to allow negotiation on this condition during NEW arrangement itself?
1. This is not possible. The bank has to perform a CHANGE-INTEREST activity separately for that condition2. No special setting is required. When a future product condition is defined, it automatically appears in NEW arrangement itself as multiple interest tabs3. The property needs to be set as FORWARD.DATED in type field of AA.PROPERTY file so that they appear alongside the current condition as multiple tabs4. System does not allow forward conditions to be negotiated as the condition exists only at product level5.
Answer: The property needs to be set as FORWARD.DATED in type field of AA.PROPERTY file so that they appear alongside the current condition as multiple tabs
Question: When a user opens a NEW arrangement activity, he sees one of the properties where certain values are defaulted, but all fields remain NOINPUT. What could be the possible reason for this? Assume there are no attribute(field) level rules defined in the product condition
1. The condition has DEFAULT.NEGOTIABLE attribute set to NO at the product condition2. The condition has NON.TRACKING set in the ARR.LINK field3. The condition has CUSTOM.TRACKING set in the ARR.LINK field4. The property is defined as PRODUCT.ONLY. Hence no negotiation is allowed at the arrangement5.
Answer: The condition has DEFAULT.NEGOTIABLE attribute set to NO at the product condition
Question: An arrangement has the following activities performed on it: 05-Jan : User activity - U1 (User) 07-Jan : Transaction activity - T1 10-Jan : Scheduled activity - S1(SOD) Today : 15-Jan A Backdated User activity U2 was performed effective 05-Jan. What is the order of process of the Activities involved.
1. 10-Jan : S1 - Reverse 07-Jan : T1 - Reverse 07-Jan : U1 - Reverse 07-Jan: U1 - Input 05-Jan : U2 - Input 07-Jan : T1 - Input 10-Jan : S1 - Input2. 10-Jan : S1 - Reverse 07-Jan : T1 - Reverse 07-Jan : U1 - Reverse 05-Jan : U2 - Input 07-Jan : T1 - Input 10-Jan : S1 - Input3. 10-Jan : S1 - Reverse 07-Jan : T1 - Reverse 05-Jan : U2 - Input 07-Jan : T1 - Input 10-Jan : S1 - Input4. 10-Jan : T1 - Reverse 07-Jan : S1 - Reverse 05-Jan : U2 - Input 07-Jan : T1 - Input 10-Jan : S1 - Input5.
Answer: 10-Jan : S1 - Reverse 07-Jan : T1 - Reverse 05-Jan : U2 - Input 07-Jan : T1 - Input 10-Jan : S1 - Input
Question: An arrangement has the following activities performed on it: 07-Jan : Transaction activity - T1 10-Jan : Scheduled activity - S1(SOD) Today : 15-Jan A Backdated User activity U1 was performed effective 05-Jan and kept in INAU. What is the order of process of the Activities involved when this U1 is Authorised
1. 10-Jan : S1 - Reverse Delete 07-Jan : T1 - Reverse Delete 05-Jan : U1 - Input Authorise 07-Jan : T1 - Input Authorise 10-Jan : S1 - Input Authorise2. 05-Jan : U1 - Input Authorise3. 10-Jan : S1 - Input Authorise 07-Jan : T1 - Input Authorise 05-Jan : U1 - Input Authorise 07-Jan : T1 - Reverse-Authorise 10-Jan : S1 - Reverse-Authorise4. 10-Jan : S1 - Reverse Authorise 07-Jan : T1 - Reverse Authorise 05-Jan : U1 - Input Authorise 07-Jan : T1(Replay) - Input Authorise 10-Jan : S1(Replay) - Input Authorise5.
Answer: 10-Jan : S1 - Reverse Authorise 07-Jan : T1 - Reverse Authorise 05-Jan : U1 - Input Authorise 07-Jan : T1(Replay) - Input Authorise 10-Jan : S1(Replay) - Input Authorise
Question: An arrangement has the following activities performed on it: 05-Jan : User activity - U1 (User) 07-Jan : Transaction activity - T1 10-Jan : Scheduled activity - S1(SOD) Today : 15-Jan The user Activity U1 is now reversed. What is the order of process of the Activities involved.
1. 10-Jan : S1 - Reverse 07-Jan : T1 - Reverse 05-Jan : U1 - Input 07-Jan : T1 - Input 10-Jan : S1 - Input2. 10-Jan : S1 - Reverse 07-Jan : T1 - Reverse 05-Jan : U1 - Reverse 07-Jan : T1 - Input 10-Jan : S1 - Input3. 05-Jan : U1 - Reverse 07-Jan : T1 - Reverse 10-Jan : S1 - Reverse4. 10-Jan : T1 - Reverse 07-Jan : S1 - Reverse 05-Jan : U1 - Reverse 07-Jan : T1 - Input 10-Jan : S1 - Input5.
Answer: 10-Jan : S1 - Reverse 07-Jan : T1 - Reverse 05-Jan : U1 - Reverse 07-Jan : T1 - Input 10-Jan : S1 - Input
Question: An arrangement has the following activities performed on it: 05-Jan : User activity - U1 (User) 07-Jan : Transaction activity - T1 10-Jan : Scheduled activity - S1(SOD) Today : 15-Jan The user Activity U1 was reversed. What is the order of process of the Activities involved when U1 is now Authorized?
1. 05-Jan : U1 - Reverse Auth 07-Jan : T1 - Reverse Auth 10-Jan : S1 - Reverse Auth2. 10-Jan : S1 - Reverse Auth 07-Jan : T1 - Reverse Auth 05-Jan : U1 - Reverse Auth 07-Jan : T1(replay) - Input Auth 10-Jan : S1(replay) - Input Auth3. 10-Jan : S1 - Reverse Delete 07-Jan : T1 - Reverse Delete 05-Jan : U1 - Reverse Auth 07-Jan : T1(replay) - Input Auth 10-Jan : S1(replay) - Input Auth4. 10-Jan : S1 - Reverse Auth 07-Jan : T1 - Reverse Auth 05-Jan : U1(replay) - Input Auth 07-Jan : T1(replay) - Input Auth 10-Jan : S1(replay) - Input Auth5.
Answer: 10-Jan : S1 - Reverse Auth 07-Jan : T1 - Reverse Auth 05-Jan : U1 - Reverse Auth 07-Jan : T1(replay) - Input Auth 10-Jan : S1(replay) - Input Auth
Question: An arrangement has the following activities performed on it: 05-Jan : User activity - U1 (User) 07-Jan : Transaction activity - T1 10-Jan : Scheduled activity - S1(SOD) Today : 15-Jan The user Activity U1 was reversed. What is the order of process of the Activities involved when U1 is now deleted?
1. 10-Jan : S1(replayed) - Input Delete 07-Jan : T1(replayed) - Input Delete 05-Jan : U1 - Reverse Delete 07-Jan : T1 - Reverse Delete 10-Jan : S1 - Reverse Delete2. 10-Jan : S1 - Reverse Delete 07-Jan : T1 - Reverse Delete 05-Jan : U2 - Reverse Delete 07-Jan : T1(replayed) - Input Delete 10-Jan : S1(replayed) - Input Delete3. 05-Jan : U1 - Reverse delete 07-Jan : T1 - Reverse Delete 10-Jan : S1 - Reverse Delete4. 10-Jan : S1 - Reverse Auth 07-Jan : T1 - Reverse Auth 05-Jan : U1 - Reverse Auth 07-Jan : T1 - Input Auth 10-Jan : S1 - Input Auth5.
Answer: 10-Jan : S1(replayed) - Input Delete 07-Jan : T1(replayed) - Input Delete 05-Jan : U1 - Reverse Delete 07-Jan : T1 - Reverse Delete 10-Jan : S1 - Reverse Delete
Question: Which of the following best describes the CAN.PROP.CLASS/CAN.ACTION fields in AA.ACTIVITY.CLASS?
1. These determine the order of action processing when an activity is reversed2. System would ignore the PROPERTY.CLASS/ACTION fields for reversal when CAN.PROP.CLASS/CAN.ACTION fields are defined3. When there is no entry in these fields, system would take the PROPERTY.CLASS/ACTION definition in reverse order when the activity is reversed4. All 3 of the above5.
Answer: All 3 of the above
Question: What does the field USER.INPUT in AA.ACTIVITY.CLASS determine? Assume the activity performed belongs to the AA.ACTIVITY.CLASS in question
1. It determines whether user is allowed to input when triggering the activity2. It determines which version could be defined in ACTIVITY.PRESENTATION3. There should atleast be one USER.INPUT activity in any class- otherwise, there is no point in releasing this activity4. Only USER.INPUT set to YES have valid process behind it. When it is set as NO, it means, there is no process behind it and is only opened in SEE mode5.
Answer: It determines whether user is allowed to input when triggering the activity
Question: All product conditions have a field called DEFAULT.ATTR.OPTION. Which of the following is true about the functionality of this field?
1. It determines whether the arrangement condition should be retained or overwritten with the new product condition when CHANGE.PRODUCT happens2. It determines whether the condition allows fields to be negotiated or not3. It determines whether the default from product should happen when arrangement condition is opened4. It determines whether new fields may be added to the current condition or not5.
Answer: It determines whether the arrangement condition should be retained or overwritten with the new product condition when CHANGE.PRODUCT happens
Question: Which activity uses the field DEFAULT.ATTR.OPTION on product condition ?
Question: Field DEFAULT.ATTR.OPTION is set to RESETTING in product conditions of P1 and P2 products, no other individual field attributes have been defined. What would happen to this condition at Arrangement when CHANGE.PRODUCT activity is performed from P1 to P2?
1. P2's product condition would prevail2. P2's product condition would overwrite the current arrangement condition but would retain the already negotiated fields at the arrangement3. P1's negotiated condition would be defaulted onto P2's arrangement condition4. Arrangement condition would remain as it is and there would be no impact of P2's condition on it.5.
Answer: P2's product condition would prevail
Question: Field DEFAULT.ATTR.OPTION is set to NON-RESETTING in product conditions of both P1 and P2 products, no other individual field attributes have been defined. What would happen to this condition at Arrangement when CHANGE.PRODUCT activity is performed from P1 to P2?
1. P2's product condition would overwrite the current condition irrespective of whatever has been negotiated on arrangement condition2. P2's product condition would overwrite the current arrangement condition but would retain the already negotiated fields at the arrangement3. P1's condition would be overwritten back onto arrangement condition irrespective of whatever has been negotiated on arrangement condition4. Arrangement condition would remain as it is and there would be no impact of P2's product condition on it.5.
Answer: Arrangement condition would remain as it is and there would be no impact of P2's product condition on it.
Question: Which of the following is true about DEFAULT.ATTR.OPTION attribute when set on a product condition? Assume arrangement is running on P1 and CHANGE.PRODUCT happens to P2.
1. Only the DEFAULT.ATTR.OPTION definition on P1's product condition is taken into account when CHANGE.PRODUCT is triggered2. Since the product is moving to P2, the DEFAULT.ATTR.OPTION values set in P2's product property condition is taken into consideration3. The DEFAULT.ATTR.OPTION definition on both P1's and P2's product conditions should be defined in Sync, since the value set in both the conditions are taken into effect during CHANGE.PRODUCT activity4. The field has no relevance during CHANGE.PRODUCT activity5.
Answer: Only the DEFAULT.ATTR.OPTION definition on P1's product condition is taken into account when CHANGE.PRODUCT is triggered
Question: What does the field CHANGED.FIELDS in each of the Arrangement condition signify?
1. It indicates the attributes that have been changed between the current instance and the immediately preceding previous instance of the Arrangement condition2. It indicates the fields that have been changed on the arrangement from the time it was taken3. It indicates the fields that have been modified by the system and not the by the user4. It indicates the changes of the current instance with that of the product condition at the same instance5.
Answer: It indicates the attributes that have been changed between the current instance and the immediately preceding previous instance of the Arrangement condition
Question: What does the field NEGOTIATED.FIELDS in each of the Arrangement condition signify?
1. It indicates the attributes that have been changed between the current instance and the immediately preceding previous instance of the Arrangement condition2. It indicates the fields that have been changed on the arrangement from the time it was taken3. It indicates the fields that have been modified by the system and not the by the user4. It indicates the changes of the current instance with that of the product condition at the same instance5.
Answer: It indicates the fields that have been changed on the arrangement from the time it was taken
Question: A Lending arrangement is accruing daily on both Principal Interest and Penalty interest. A backdated activity is performed on this arrangement. Which of the following is true when this event happens?
1. Only Principal interest gets adjusted and reaccrued2. Only penalty interest gets adjusted and reaccrued3. Both Principal interest and penalty interest gets adjusted and reaccrued4. No adjustment and reaccrual happens5.
Answer: Both Principal interest and penalty interest gets adjusted and reaccrued
Question: A Bank has designed a product with INHERITANCE.ONLY Field marked as Yes. Which of the following statements is false in this context?
1. This product is not available for Sale2. This product passes on conditions to associated child products3. This product does not appear in the catalog4. This product can also be sold5.
Answer: This product can also be sold
Question: A Bank has defined an Interest Property as CREDIT in PROPERTY.TYPE Field. What is the significance of this setting?
1. This cannot be set, Credit type allowed only for Charge Property2. This Interest property will be a payable Interest3. This Interest property will be a receivable interest4. When an arrangement is taken out, the interest gets credited5.
Answer: This cannot be set, Credit type allowed only for Charge Property
Question: The bank desires that when performing update activities, only the property that is to be amended / updated appear on the arrangement screen. Other properties should be hidden. For example, during an UPDATE-INTEREST activity, only INTEREST property should appear on the screen. Can this be done?
1. Possible by not defining any versions for the properties that are not to be shown2. This cannot be controlled as it is managed by core3. Possible through configuration in ACTIVITY.PRESENTATION property4. Possible by controlling through VERSION application5.
Answer: Possible through configuration in ACTIVITY.PRESENTATION property
Question: When the activity CHANGE-PAYMENT.SCHEDULE is opened in AA.SIMULATION.CAPTURE, which application is opened in Input mode?
Question: A bank desires to define CHANGE.PRODUCT property and its conditions at the product level and does not want the property to appear when taking arrangements/doing amendments. How can this be achieved?
1. Skip defining CHANGE.PRODUCT property in AA.PRODUCT.GROUP2. Define CHANGE.PRODUCT property as PRODUCT.ONLY in AA.PROPERTY and include it like any other property in the product3. This cannot be set as 'Product only' as it is managed by core4. Do not include the property in ACTIVITY.PRESENTATION so that it does not appear on the screen5.
Answer: Define CHANGE.PRODUCT property as PRODUCT.ONLY in AA.PROPERTY and include it like any other property in the product
Question: A Charge property is defined as SUSPEND and SUSPEND.OVERDUES in PROPERTY.TYPE field. What does this denote?
1. When an arrangement is taken out, the charge gets suspended2. When a contract becomes overdue, the system gets suspended3. When a contract becomes overdue and reaches a status set for suspension, the charge property suspends all of its past and current dues4. When a contract becomes overdue and reaches a status set for suspension, the charge property starts suspending subsequent dues5. It is not possible to define both for charge property
Answer: When a contract becomes overdue and reaches a status set for suspension, the charge property suspends all of its past and current dues
Question: When a Charge property is defined as SUSPEND in PROPERTY.TYPE field, what does it denote?
1. When an arrangement is taken out, the charge gets suspended2. When a contract becomes overdue, the system gets suspended3. When a contract becomes overdue and reaches a status set for suspension, the charge property suspends all of its past and current dues4. When a contract becomes overdue and reaches a status set for suspension, the charge property suspends subsequent dues5. It is not possible to define SUSPEND without defining SUSPEND.OVERDUES
Answer: When a contract becomes overdue and reaches a status set for suspension, the charge property suspends subsequent dues
Question: A Bank defines Charge property as "RESIDUAL.ACCRUAL" in PROPERTY.TYPE field of AA.PROPERTY, what feature does it provide?
1. Charge would accrue only on residual amount stated in the Payment schedule2. When Charge accrued is greater than the charge amount made due for that period, the excess amount may be moved to RES balance of this property3. This is not possible to be set4. When Charge accrued is greater than the charge amount made due for that period, the excess amount would be updated in RESIDUAL.AMOUNT field of Payment schedule record5.
Answer: This is not possible to be set
Question: A Bank has defined a Charge Property as CREDIT in PROPERTY.TYPE Field. What is the significance of this setting?
1. This cannot be set, Credit type allowed only for Interest Property2. This charge property will be a payable charge3. This charge property will be a receivable charge4. When an arrangement is taken out, this charge gets capitalized to the account5.
Answer: This charge property will be a payable charge
Question: When an arrangement is created for a product belonging to BUNDLE, currency field is not prompted. What could be the reason behind this?
1. BUNDLE product line does not deal with currencies and the field LINE.ATTRIBUTE in AA.PRODUCT.LINE is set to null2. This is not possible because Bundle arrangement deals with Interest compensation and Interest Offset3. This is because none of the property classes belonging to Bundle product line has currency and amount fields4. Bundle arrangements have automatic default of currency from the underlying arrangements in the bundle5.
Answer: BUNDLE product line does not deal with currencies and the field LINE.ATTRIBUTE in AA.PRODUCT.LINE is set to null
Question: TRANSACTION.COUNT.TOTAL Periodic Attribute class could be used on which Property Class?
1. Interest2. Term Amount3. Activity Restriction4. Account5. Charge
Answer: Activity Restriction
Question: An arrangement has an initial rate of 10% and interest rate is changed to 13%. A periodic rule is attached to the interest condition based on AA.PERIODIC.ATTRIBUTE.CLASS of RATE.INCREASE.TOLERANCE and rule value is stated as 20. The comparison type defined for this record is +TOLERANCE. Would the rule be broken during the rate change event assuming the rule period is met?
1. Yes. Because you are only allowed a percentage increase of 2 since the rule value stated is a Basis points value2. No. Because you are allowed a percentage increase of up to 20 since the rule value stated is a Percentage value3. No. Because you are allowed a percentage increase of up to 3 percentage4. Yes. Because you are only allowed a maximum percentage of 10 percentage5.
Answer: Yes. Because you are only allowed a percentage increase of 2 since the rule value stated is a Basis points value
Question: FULL.DISBURSEMENT Periodic Attribute Class is to be used for which Property Class?
1. Interest2. Term Amount3. Activity Restriction4. Account5. Charge
Answer: Term Amount
Question: A bank wants to setup a payable charge that will be capitalized on the payment date. How can this be configured?
1. Define the charge property in PaymentSchedule with PAYMENT.METHOD set to CREDIT2. Payable charge cannot be set to capitalise3. Bank cannot pay a charge, only a customer can pay a charge4. Set TYPE in AA.PROPERTY to CREDIT for the Charge property and define the charge property in PaymentSchedule with PAYMENT.METHOD set to CAPITALISE5. Set TYPE in AA.PROPERTY to CREDIT for the Charge property and define the charge property in PaymentSchedule with PAYMENT.METHOD set to DUE
Answer: Set TYPE in AA.PROPERTY to CREDIT for the Charge property and define the charge property in PaymentSchedule with PAYMENT.METHOD set to CAPITALISE
Question: A charge property in AA.PROPERTY TYPE is set as CREDIT. What does this signify?
1. Charge will would be assumed as payable charge2. Charge will always be capitalised3. Charge will always be assumed as payable charge, and will be capitalised4. Indicates that the charge would always to be credited to the bank.5. Does not signify anything unless it is defined in PaymentSchedule with PAYMENT.METHOD set to CAPITALISE, and BILL.TYPE set as PAY, where it would be considered as payable charge and will be capitalised
Answer: Charge will would be assumed as payable charge
Question: An arrangement is in suspended status, a charge collected as part of repayment is made due and is aged. Which of the following statements is True?
1. Activity Charge due amount will not be suspended2. Activity Charge due amount will be suspended regardless of whether SUSPEND flag is set in AA.PROPERTY or not3. Activity Charge due amount will be suspended only when SUSPEND flag is set in AA.PROPERTY4. Activity Charges will not be aged hence charge amount will not be suspended5. Activity Charge due amount will be suspended only when SUSPEND and SUSPEND.ONLY flags are set in AA.PROPERTY
Answer: Activity Charge due amount will be suspended only when SUSPEND flag is set in AA.PROPERTY
Question: A Bank has set the field SUPPRESS.SEE.MODE as Yes in AA.PRD.DES.ACTIVITY.PRESENTATION. However, the fields in property Payment Schedule is also opened up while doing the change term in an arrangement. Why is it so ?
1. It is due to the incorrect set up of product in AA.PRODUCT.DESIGNER.2. It is due to the incorrect set up in AA.PRD.DES.ACTIVITY.PRESENTATION.3. It is due to the incorrect set up in AA.PRODUCT.GROUP.4. When core AA.ACTIVITY.CLASS has defined a property class to be user inputtable, that cannot be suppressed using this flag5. It is due to the set up in AA.PROPERTY.CLASS
Answer: When core AA.ACTIVITY.CLASS has defined a property class to be user inputtable, that cannot be suppressed using this flag
Question: A Bank wants to input narrative while doing an Arrangement Activity and then display this narrative in Account Statement. Is it possible to achieve this in T24 ?
1. No, it is neither possible to input narrative and nor to display the narrative in Account Statement.2. Though it is possible to input the narrative in Arrangement Activity, it is not possible to display the narrative in Account Statement.3. Yes, it is possible to both input and display narrative in Account Statement.4. Though it is possible to display the narrative field in Account Statement through Product Designer, it is not possible to input the narrative in Arrangement Activity.5.
Answer: Yes, it is possible to both input and display narrative in Account Statement.
Question: Which file can be amended by user? (assuming user has the relevant user access rights)
Question: A user created a product, proofed and published it. Now when the user tried to take an arrangement, he could not find the product listed in the model screens when he drilled down from AA.PRODUCT.GROUP.What could be the reason? (Note: proof and publish completed without any error)
1. Product was defined without mandatory properties2. Product was not proofed and published properly3. Product has INHERITANCE.ONLY set to YES4. Product available date is not proper in AA.PRODUCT.MANAGER5.
Answer: Product has INHERITANCE.ONLY set to YES
Question: What will happen when a product is proofed without populating the AVAILABLE.DATE field in AA.PRODUCT.MANAGER?
1. Product is proofed and error is thrown at Product error field2. System assumes TODAY as the date of product availability3. No error is thrown4. Error thrown at Available date field since it is mandatory to fill this5.
Answer: Error thrown at Available date field since it is mandatory to fill this
Question: Is it possible to create product conditions for the CHARGE property class in the following format "Charge.cond---20091202"?
1. It is not possible since currency is a mandatory component for all the product conditions of all the property classes2. It is not possible since product conditions created for the CHARGE property class need to have currency as part of their ID.3. It is possbile since currency is an optional component for the CHARGE product condition.4. It is possible because both currency and date are optional for the CHARGE product condition.5.
Answer: It is possbile since currency is an optional component for the CHARGE product condition.
Question: The user specifies the currency as GBP. When validating the activity the user gets the following error "NOT A VALID CURRENCY FOR THIS PRODUCT ". What is the reason for this?
1. GBP is not defined in the CURRENCY file of T24.2. GBP is not defined as a currency in AA.PRODUCT.DESIGNER for the Product3. GBP is not defined a valid currency in AA.PRODUCT for the Product.4. Arrangements can only be entered in local currency.5.
Answer: GBP is not defined as a currency in AA.PRODUCT.DESIGNER for the Product
Question: Which of the following is not user definable in AA?
1. AA.PRODUCT.LINE2. AA.PROPERTY3. AA.PRD.DES.XXXX(xxxx being the name of the property class)4. AA.ACTIVITY5.
Question: Which of the following is a valid activity ID format?
1. ProductLine-Process-Property2. ProductGroup-Process-Property3. ProductLine-Property-Process4. ProductGroup-Property-Process5.
Answer: ProductLine-Process-Property
Question: Which is the application that determines whether reverse and replay is permitted for the product ?
Question: User wishes to be able to define the screens of certain properties appearing on the arrangement screen. In which application within AA can this requirement be achieved?
Question: Which of the following application allows user to input transaction amount values required to simulate a payment in AA ?
Question: The number of activities triggered for an arrangement was more than 300. The user is unable to view 'older' activities in the typical activity log on the Arrangement Overview screen. In which file can he locate these activities ?
Question: The Bank created a new activity charge property and updated in the product group. They also included the corresponding product condition in the product. After successfully proofing and publishing the product, the user starts to perform the activity which is intended to trigger the fee. However, he received an error message "AA ACTIVITY MISSING" when trying to commit the transaction. What will be the reason?
1. User forgot to create an activity manually for the new property2. The Bank missed out a step to select REBUILD.ACTIVITIES to Yes when attaching the new property in the product group3. The Bank missed out a step to re-proof and re-publish after the changes of the new property4. It is not possible. System will automatically create activity for all new properties5.
Answer: The Bank missed out a step to select REBUILD.ACTIVITIES to Yes when attaching the new property in the product group
Question: A user is not able to reverse a particular activity in the system. What might be the reason?
1. AA.ACTIVITY.CLASS is defined as NOREVERSE2. AA.ACTIVITY.CLASS is defined as NOREPLAY3. AA.ACTIVITY is defined as NOREVERSE4. It is not possible, as all activity in the system are reversable5.
Question: Which enquiry allows the user to monitor the simulation in AA?
Question: A bank user is not able to trigger an activity as secondary activity from parent activity. What might be the reason?
1. TYPE is not defined to secondary in property class2. RELATED.ACTIVITY is not defined in AA.ACTIVITY3. AA.ACTIVITY is not linked to the parent activity4. ACTIVITY.TYPE is not set to secondary for the particular activity class5.
Answer: ACTIVITY.TYPE is not set to secondary for the particular activity class
Question: A product may not be available to users to take arrangements for various reasons. Which of the following is NOT one of them?
1. Even though the product is set as Saleable, it has been set to look at a PARENT.PRODUCT in product designer.2. It is set to inheritance only in product designer3. Product is not proofed and published properly4. It is marked as "EXTERNAL" product in AA.PRODUCT.GROUP5.
Answer: Even though the product is set as Saleable, it has been set to look at a PARENT.PRODUCT in product designer.
Question: How can we define the product condition record for a particular variant?
1. As part of ID of AA.PRD.DES.XXX record2. As part of ID of the AA.PRODUCT.DESIGNER3. As part of ID of the AA.PRODUCT.CATALOG4. None of the above5.
Answer: As part of ID of AA.PRD.DES.XXX record
Question: Which of the statement is FALSE?
1. Only one activity can be simulated at one time2. AA Simulation can be run for future dated activities3. Simulation performs activities without creating or updating live records4. Simulated activities can be retained for user-defined days5.
Answer: Simulated activities can be retained for user-defined days
Question: Today is 20 May 2014. In the AA.PERIODIC.ATTRIBUTE defined by the Bank, PERIOD.TYPE field is ROLLING and PERIOD is 1Y. Restriction is on number of account withdrawals. What is the evaluation period of the restriction if a withdrawal is performed today ?
1. Till maturity of the arrangement2. From 20 May 2013 to 20 May 20143. From 20 May 2014 to 20 May 20154. From initial 1 year from arrangement start date5.
Answer: From 20 May 2013 to 20 May 2014
Question: There is only one FIXED.RATE interest condition used by the product. However, at the arrangement level, user wants to be able to define multiple fixed interest conditions for different time periods of a loan. e.g. 5% for first year and 6% for second year and so on. How can this be achieved ?
1. In product designer, define the same condition ID twice (but with different effective dates) and mention the period (number of days) in the field EFFECTIVE2. At product level, make all the fields for interest product condition as negotiable and multi value the attributes at arrangement level to define the different interest conditions for different periods3. In the interest property record, define its type as 'forward dated'. Make all fields required for input negotiable. At the arrangement level, multi value the respective interest condition tabs for different periods4. We need to mention two separate interest product condition and need to make them negotiable at arrangement level and mention the period (number of days) in the EFFECTIVE field5.
Answer: In the interest property record, define its type as 'forward dated'. Make all fields required for input negotiable. At the arrangement level, multi value the respective interest condition tabs for different periods
Question: The Bank reported an issue to TEMENOS. They said that their users are not able to input a value in the End Date field within the payment schedule condition. However, they could input value in the Start Date field within the same condition. What could be the reason ?
1. The End Date field in Payment Schedule condition was set to Custom Tracking2. The End Date field in Payment Schedule condition was set to Tracking3. The End Date field in Payment Schedule condition was set to Non-Negotiable4. The End Date field in Payment Schedule condition was set to Product Only5. 3 and 4
Answer: The End Date field in Payment Schedule condition was set to Non-Negotiable
Question: If a property class is defined as TRACKING.ONLY, which of the following options best describe its characteristic?
1. The property of this type would not appear(even in SEE mode) at the Arrangement level2. The actions belonging to this property do get executed3. The property of this type would appear at the Arrangement level(in SEE mode only)4. Both 1 and 25. Both 2 and 3
Answer: Both 2 and 3
Question: Bank wants to set up a type of fee where they can pay brokers for introducing new loan business. This fee is payable at the new loan opening stage. What should be the property type ?
1. Credit2. Not possible3. Pay4. Bonus5. Broker
Answer: Credit
Question: The Bank informed that they do not have 'officers' in the loan department. Their loan users are called 'managers'. As such, the Bank wants a new property named 'Managers' for the Officers property class. The Bank created this new property and included in the product design. After re-proofing and re-publishing the product, the Bank created new loan arrangements. Subsequently, the user wanted to update the manager's ID for a particular loan. The user discovered that he cannot find 'Update Managers' within the list of 'New Activity'. What could have happened ?
1. Balance Types for Managers have not been defined2. Product Group was not rebuilt3. The 'Managers' property should be included in the child product, not parent product4. The condition attached to 'Managers' property was set to Custom Tracking5.
Answer: Product Group was not rebuilt
Question: The Bank has 3 loan products. New arrangement fee is applicable for all the 3 products. For the first product, the fee is a flat USD 100. For the second product, the fee is a flat USD 200. For the third product, the fee is 1%. Upon proofing and publishing the parent product, the system throws an error for the third product. What could have happened ?
1. All balance types for New Arrangement Fee have not been defined2. Calculation Source has not been defined for the new arrangement fee3. The fee for the third product should have been defined at parent product4. 1 and 25.
Answer: Calculation Source has not been defined for the new arrangement fee
Question: The Bank wants to be able to pay a bonus interest to customer if customer requests the loan to be disbursed within first 5 days of the loan creation. Is it possible to define such bonus interest in the system ?
1. Yes, fully supported2. Not possible at all3. Yes, but the bonus interest has to be defined as a fee property in the system4. Yes, but we must also remember to define the overdue balance types for the bonus interest5.
Answer: Yes, but the bonus interest has to be defined as a fee property in the system
Question: What is the effect of setting ACCRUAL.BY.BILLS for the disbursement fee property ?
1. No effect2. We can identify the fee accrued amount per bill3. We can identify the fee amortised amount per bill4. System will produce a bill for every accrual5.
Answer: No effect
Question: Bank has managed to proof and publish the new product successfully. Upon checking the product catalog, they could not locate this product at all. What could have happened ?
1. Product is a parent product. They did not set 'Inheritance Only' to YES2. The field GROUP.TYPE for the Product Group has been set to 'External'3. The field GROUP.TYPE for the Product Group has been set to 'Internal'4. The field ATTRIBUTE for the Product Group has not been defined5.
Answer: The field GROUP.TYPE for the Product Group has been set to 'External'
Question: Bank wants to accrue new arrangement fee. What must they do to achieve this ?
1. Define accrual period in ACCOUNTING condition2. Define AA.ACCRUAL.FREQUENCY3. Define accrual balance types for new arrangement fee4. All of the above5. Not possible
Answer: Not possible
Question: In the Officer condition used in Deposit products, the Bank wants to restrict the list of values in the PRIMARY.OFFICER attribute. The only list of values allowed for selection is 1, 2, 3 and 4. How should they define the negotiation rules for the PRIMARY.OFFICER attribute ?
1. For the attribute PRIMARY.OFFICER, define MINIMUM as the NR.TYPE (Comparison Type) and 1 as the NR.VALUE. In addition, sub value to define MAXIMUM as the NR.TYPE (Comparison Type) and 4 as the NR.VALUE2. For the attribute PRIMARY.OFFICER, define EQUAL as the NR.TYPE (Comparison Type) and 1 2 3 4 as the NR.VALUE3. For the attribute PRIMARY.OFFICER, define MULTIPLE as the NR.TYPE (Comparison Type) and 1 as the NR.VALUE. In addition, sub value to define MAXIMUM as the NR.TYPE (Comparison Type) and 4 as the NR.VALUE4. For the attribute PRIMARY.OFFICER, define RANGE as the NR.TYPE (Comparison Type) and 1 2 3 4 as the NR.VALUE5.
Answer: For the attribute PRIMARY.OFFICER, define RANGE as the NR.TYPE (Comparison Type) and 1 2 3 4 as the NR.VALUE
Question: The Bank has defined PCHARGE as the periodic charge property for its lending products. What are the balance types that need to be created ?
Question: The Bank was informed of a very useful file known as AA.ACTIVITY.HISTORY. They checked through the file and were shocked that they are unable to locate any historical interest accrual activity listed for the loan. What is the reason ?
Question: A loan is scheduled to mature on 20 May 2014. When does the maturity processing take place assuming the system moves from 18-May 2014 to 20-May-2014 ?
1. On 20 May 2014 Start of Day2. On 20 May 2014 End of Day3. On 18 May 2014 Start of Day4. On 18 May 2014 End of Day5.
Answer: On 20 May 2014 Start of Day
Question: The Bank wants to define a new periodic attribute for the periodic attribute class TRANSACTION.AMOUNT.TOTAL. While they were defining, they came across a field COMPARISON.TYPE. What is the value that they need to indicate in this particular field ?
1. Any comparison type which allows the data type 'AMT'2. Depends on the list of values found in COMPARISON.TYPE field within the corresponding AA.PROPERTY.CLASS record3. Any comparison type which allows the data type 'A'4. Depends on the list of values found in COMPARISON.TYPE field within this AA.PERIODIC.ATTRIBUTE.CLASS record5.
Answer: Depends on the list of values found in COMPARISON.TYPE field within this AA.PERIODIC.ATTRIBUTE.CLASS record
Question: The Bank wants to utilise the same set of versions for all their 3 deposit products. For the third deposit product, the Bank wants to ensure that system forces users to input a value in the END.DATE field within Payment Schedule condition. However, this is not required for the 2 other products. Is it possible to achieve this ?
1. Not possible, different versions have to be used in order to achieve this2. Not possible because attributes in Payment Schedule condition are all negotiable3. Possible, define MANDATORY as the value in NR.OPTIONS for END.DATE attribute4. Possible, define FIX VALUE as the value in NR.OPTIONS for END.DATE attribute5.
Answer: Possible, define MANDATORY as the value in NR.OPTIONS for END.DATE attribute
Question: The Bank is thinking of launching a new loan product group known as 'Car Loans' and is in the midst of building these test products. In the Bank's test environment, they want to be able to differentiate these 'Test' loan products from the 'Live' loan products. As such, they are asking whether it is possible to place the test products in a separate folder on the product catalog, away from the live products. How can the Bank create such folder in the product catalog ?
1. Not possible, local development is required2. Need to amend the ENQUIRY design of the product catalog3. Create a new product line named "Car Loans". System will automatically allocate this group of products in a separate folder based on the product line4. Create a new record for AA.PRODUCT.GROUP.ATTRIBUTE in EB.LOOKUP. Indicate this attribute when creating the product group5.
Answer: Create a new record for AA.PRODUCT.GROUP.ATTRIBUTE in EB.LOOKUP. Indicate this attribute when creating the product group
Question: Which of the following would be a typical use of 'Virtual Balance' in AA?
1. If the Bank wants to calculate interest based on a summation of various balance types2. If the Bank wants to create a contingent loan, they can make use of Virtual Balance3. If the Bank wants to create a test product for testing purposes, the entries of this product should be "virtual" and not affect the live accounting entries4. If the Bank wants to simulate an arrangement, the balances need to be virtual, and not create real accounting entries5.
Answer: If the Bank wants to calculate interest based on a summation of various balance types
Question: The Bank was informed that for any changes they made to the product conditions, they will need to perform the "proofing and publishing" step. They noticed a field PRODUCT.VERSION in AA.PRODUCT.MANAGER. The value indicated there is 10. If the Bank performs the proofing now, what will be the next value ?
1. 102. 113. 10.14. 10.015.
Answer: 10.1
Question: The Bank has been told that they can create future dated product conditions so that system will update conditions of existing arrangements when 'Tracking' is set. When they looked at the property class record of PAYMENT.RULES, they cannot find the FORWARD.DATED type. They are now complaining to TEMENOS that they have been given wrong information. They said this is because without the FORWARD.DATED type, they cannot create future dated product conditions for Payment Rules.
1. The TYPE 'Tracking' is the one which they should be looking at2. The TYPE 'Dated' is the one which they should be looking at3. Report as a bug4. The TYPE 'Multiple' is the one that they should be looking at5.
Answer: The TYPE 'Dated' is the one which they should be looking at
Question: In the product line record, the Bank sees the description 'LENDING'. They inform us that credit facilities in the Bank are all known as 'Financing' and would prefer if the description is changed. Is there a way to amend that ?
1. No problem, we can change the description of product line from 'Lending' to 'Financing'2. TEMENOS has only released LENDING product line. The Bank cannot change that3. Descriptions of product lines cannot be changed; however we can create product groups called 'Financing'4. Create a new product line with the ID 'Financing'5.
Answer: No problem, we can change the description of product line from 'Lending' to 'Financing'
Question: The Bank wants to control the amount that customer repays the loan within the first 3 years into the contract. The total repayment amount cannot be more than 20% of the loan agreement amount. They want system to calculate this percentage difference and throw an error message if necessary. Is it possible to achieve this ?
1. No, require local development2. Yes, create an appropriate periodic attribute using the TRANSACTION.AMOUNT.TOTAL periodic attribute class3. Yes, create an appropriate periodic attribute using the TRANSACTION.AMOUNT periodic attribute class4. Yes, create an appropriate periodic attribute using the REPAY.TOLERANCE.TOTAL periodic attribute class5.
Answer: Yes, create an appropriate periodic attribute using the REPAY.TOLERANCE.TOTAL periodic attribute class
Question: The Bank wants to impose penalty fee if customers partially withdraw their deposits more than twice within the last full 12 months. What would be the most appropriate periodic attribute to use ?
1. Repeating 1 year Calender2. Rolling 1 year Calendar3. Rolling 1 year4. Repeating 1 year5.
Answer: Rolling 1 year
Question: The Bank has defined the new arrangement fee amount as fully negotiable. However, when users create the new arrangement, they can only view but not able to input a value. What could have happened?
1. Fee calculation source is not defined2. Fee condition has been set to Tracking in the product designer3. Fee is defined at parent product level, which this product has the 'Inheritance Only' field set to Yes4. Minimum and maximum amount negotiation rule has been set in the charge condition5.
Answer: Fee condition has been set to Tracking in the product designer
Question: Bank has created a 3 level product hierarchy - child product, parent product and grandparent product. The same Activity Charges property has product condition defined at both grandparent and parent levels and no specific condition has been stated for the child product for this property. The above hierarchy of products are published. When the arrangement is created for the child, which activity charges condition will the arrangement use ?
1. Activity Charges condition defined at grandparent level2. Activity Charges condition defined at both grandparent and parent level3. Activity Charges condition defined at parent level4. Activity charges would not be applied since it is not defined at the child level.5.
Answer: Activity Charges condition defined at parent level
Question: The Bank typically allows customers to switch products within the Mortgage group during the arrangement lifetime. The product change is mainly for the purpose of re-negotiating the interest rate. Charge amounts remain the same since they are inherited from parent product. Their requirement is that when user inputs the change product request, the interest rate field should clear off old values and it is essential for users to input a new interest rate. For charges, values should remain as original arrangement agreement without the compulsory need for user intervention. What should the Bank do ?
1. In the product condition for Charges, set the DEFAULT.ATTR.OPTION to 'Non-Resetting'. In the product condition for Interest, set DEFAULT.ATTR.OPTION to 'Resetting'. Define the Interest Rate field attribute as Mandatory and Negotiable in NR.OPTIONS2. In the product condition for Charges, set the DEFAULT.ATTR.OPTION to 'Resetting'. In the product condition for Interest, set DEFAULT.ATTR.OPTION to 'Non-Resetting'. Define the Interest Rate field attribute as Mandatory and Negotiable in NR.OPTIONS3. In the product condition for Charges, set the NR.OPTIONS to 'Non-Resetting'. In the product condition for Interest, set DEFAULT.ATTR.OPTION to 'Resetting'. Define the Interest Rate field attribute as Mandatory and Non-Negotiable in NR.OPTIONS4. In the product condition for Charges, set the DEFAULT.ATTR.OPTION to 'Resetting'. In the product condition for Interest, set DEFAULT.ATTR.OPTION to 'Non-Resetting'. Define the Interest Rate field attribute as Mandatory and Non-Negotiable in NR.OPTIONS5.
Answer: In the product condition for Charges, set the DEFAULT.ATTR.OPTION to 'Non-Resetting'. In the product condition for Interest, set DEFAULT.ATTR.OPTION to 'Resetting'. Define the Interest Rate field attribute as Mandatory and Negotiable in NR.OPTIONS
Question: Bank wants to have zero tolerance between the payoff transaction amount and the simulated payoff bill amount. They have defined 2 periodic attribute records using the periodic attribute class PAYOFF.AMOUNT. One is for negative tolerance and another is for positive tolerance. Where should they attach these periodic attribute records to ?
1. PAYOFF product condition2. ACTIVITY.RESTRICTION product condition3. FT.TXN.TYPE.CONDITION4. TERM.AMOUNT product condition5.
Answer: PAYOFF product condition
Question: In the Periodic Attribute record, user saw COOLING-OFF as one of the list of values in RULE.START attribute. How or where does system determine this base date ?
1. From the day arrangement is created2. From the day the loan is disbursed3. Based on the date calculated from COOLING.PERIOD defined in TERM.AMOUNT product condition4. Based on the date calculated from CANCEL.PERIOD defined in TERM.AMOUNT product condition5.
Answer: Based on the date calculated from COOLING.PERIOD defined in TERM.AMOUNT product condition
Question: For a particular product, Bank allows customers to make multiple loan disbursements. How should the Bank set up this product in order to permit this ?
1. No set up is required2. Define a periodic attribute record using FULL.DISBURSEMENTperiodic attribute class. Attach this record in the periodic rule and the PR.VALUE is to defined as the disbursement amount allowed3. Define a periodic attribute record using TRANSACTION.AMOUNT.TOTAL periodic attribute class. Attach this record in the periodic rule and the PR.VALUE is to be set to the total loan commitment amount4. Define a periodic attribute record using FULL.DISBURSEMENTperiodic attribute class. Attach this record in the periodic rule and the PR.VALUE is to be set to NO5.
Answer: No set up is required
Question: The Bank wants to control the number of times that a deposit is being funded. Customers can funding deposits by going to the branch, via internet or remitting money from other financial institutions. The Bank was told that they can make use of the TRANSACTION.COUNT.TOTAL periodic attribute class. What should they do with this periodic attribute class ?
1. Attach this periodic attribute class to the ACTIVITY.RESTRICTION product condition of the deposit. Define the total number of counts allowed2. Attach this periodic attribute class to the FT.TXN.TYPE.CONDITION record. Define the total number of counts allowed3. Attach this periodic attribute to the ACTIVITY.RESTRICTION product condition of the deposit. Define the total number of counts allowed4. Attach this periodic attribute to the ACTIVITY.RESTRICTION product condition of the account. Define the total number of counts allowed5.
Answer: Attach this periodic attribute to the ACTIVITY.RESTRICTION product condition of the deposit. Define the total number of counts allowed
Question: The Bank users are currently using the simulation function to simulate new deposit offerings. They do not execute the simulation though. The users are complaining that there are too many unnecessary fields appearing when they only need to fill in the term and amount for simulation purpose. They would want see and input those extra fields only if a real deposit arrangement is created. Is there anything that can be done ?
1. The same screens are used for both creating real arrangements and for creating simulated arrangements. Hence, there is nothing that can be done2. Write a routine to check that whether the arrangement is live creation or just a simulation. Depending on the situation, the routine is to pick the correct version to display3. The versions used for live arrangement creation and simulation can be defined in AA.PRD.DES.ACTIVITY.PRESENTATION4. The versions used for live arrangement creation and simulation can be defined in AA.PRD.DES.ACTIVITY.MESSAGING5.
Answer: The versions used for live arrangement creation and simulation can be defined in AA.PRD.DES.ACTIVITY.PRESENTATION
Question: There are 3 departments using the AA Loan application. Due to their different job nature in each department, the Bank wants to display different arrangement screen formats to their users. Is this possible using the Activity Presentation product condition ?
1. No2. Yes, define the different versions used in the Activity Presentation product condition3. Yes, set negotiation rule to YES for the Activity Presentation product condition4. Yes, define different named properties for the same product so as to differentiate between the departments. Thereafter, define specific versions for the different properties5.
Answer: No
Question: Bank has included the CHARGE OVERRIDE property in the product. They understand that including this property can allow users to perform fee waiver at the very moment of the arrangement activity. User creates a new arrangement. Aware that this is a special customer, she decides to input a partial waiver of the new arrangement fee. However, she does not see the Charge Override condition appearing and could not input the waiver
1. CHARGE OVERRIDE condition will only appear when user clicks on the COMMIT or VALIDATE button2. CHARGE OVERRIDE condition will only appear when the OVERRIDE message generated is accepted3. This is not possible. The product designer did not successfully proof and publish this condition4. For this product, the CHARGE OVERRIDE product condition has been set to TRACKING or CUSTOM TRACKING5.
Answer: CHARGE OVERRIDE condition will only appear when user clicks on the COMMIT or VALIDATE button
Question: Bank wants a 1% fee to be collected when disbursement takes place. The fee is based on the disbursement amount. A loan has the following information: TOTCOMMITMENT is 100,000 and the disbursement is 20,000. This will make the CURCOMMITMENT become 80,000 and CURACCOUNT will be 20,000. When designing the product, what should be the values of the SOURCE.TYPE and SOURCE.BALANCE ?
Question: When a customer submits a payment on a loan which has no due amounts, the bank wants to hold the payment (without allocating it to principal, interest or charges) until amounts are actually due. The ACCOUNT record in AA.PROPERTY.CLASS has the following specified in the BALANCE.PREFIX field: CUR, DUE, AGE, UNC and UND. Which of these would be useful in this scenario?
1. DUE2. UNC3. UND4. AGE5. This cannot be determined
Answer: UNC
Question: A consultant successfully proofs and publishes a Retail Accounts product. When he looks for the product in the Product Catalog, he is unable to find it, what could be the reason for this?
1. While designing the product, INHERITANCE.ONLY Field is set as Yes2. While designing the product, INHERITANCE.ONLY Field is set as No3. While designing the product, a parent product was omitted to be added in PARENT.PRODUCT Field4. While designing the product, the DEFAULT.PRODUCT Field was marked as No5. While designing the product, the DEFAULT.PRODUCT Field was marked as Yes
Answer: While designing the product, INHERITANCE.ONLY Field is set as Yes
Question: The Bank created a deposit product with restrictions on the number of partial withdrawals. Customer is not allowed to withdraw the deposit partially more than once a year. The Bank defined an appropriate periodic attribute record with DATE.TYPE defined as CALENDAR and PERIOD defined as 1Y. For a particular arrangement, a partial withdrawal on 20 May 2013 was performed. On 3 Jan 2014, the user tries to perform the second partial withdrawal. Will the second withdrawal transaction succeed ?
1. No2. Yes3. No, if we define RULE.START as COOLING-OFF4. Yes, if we define PERIOD.TYPE as LIFE5.
Answer: Yes
Question: Which core table related to statements will be updated with the fields values from AA statement property class?
Question: Choose the correct answer related to the file AA.ACCRUAL.FREQUENCY
1. The file AA.ACCRUAL.FREQUENCY allows the user to define the frequency for interest and charge accruals specific to company or for the whole system2. The file AA.ACCRUAL.FREQUENCY allows the user to define the frequency for interest accruals specific to company or for the whole system3. The file AA.ACCRUAL.FREQUENCY allows the user to define the frequency for interest accruals specific for the whole system4. The file AA.ACCRUAL.FREQUENCY allows the user to define the frequency for interest and charge accruals specific for the whole system5.
Answer: The file AA.ACCRUAL.FREQUENCY allows the user to define the frequency for interest accruals specific to company or for the whole system
Question: Which of the following files are updated during accrue activity
Question: A consultant is designing a Student Loan Product which belongs to the Personal Loans Product Group. She includes a Loan Interest Property which belongs to the Interest Property Class and wants to levy interest only if the interest calculated for that bill is more than 1 OS- Which field(s) in AAPRD-DES.INTEREST has to be updated by her compulsorily to achieve this functionality?
1. MIN.INT.AMOUNT2. MIN.INT.WAIVE3. MARGIN.RATE4. Both (a) and (b)5.
Answer: Both (a) and (b)
Question: For an AA balance types(Except Accrual Balance), what would be the appropriate value for the field Activity Update(ACTlVlTY.UPDATE in AC.BALANCE.TYPE)
1. Always set as No2. All the AA processing would be depend on the values in ACCT-BALANCEACTIVIW table- Hence it should be set as Yes for all balances.3. This field only deal with ACCTACTIVITY. Hence it is not related to AA4. All the AA processing would depend on the values in the table ACCT.BALANCE.ACTIVITY. Hence it should be set as Yes. But we can switch-off(Set as No) this flag for accrual balances.5.
Answer: This field only deal with ACCTACTIVITY. Hence it is not related to AA
Question: What is the recommended way of defining an Integration exit point for AA?
1. Exit point based on AAACTIVITY.CLASS / AAACTIVITY2. Exit point can be defined based on component service3. Exit point can be defined based on VERSION4. Exit point can be defined based on AAARRANCMENTACTIVITY5.
Answer: Exit point based on AAACTIVITY.CLASS / AAACTIVITY
Question: Bank wants to configure new interest properties to an existing Loan Product but does not want to create all balance type and activities manually, How to achieve this?
Question: User created the simulation for an activity LENDING-UPDATE-ACCOUNT and moved the corresponding simulation into LIV. Now In which table the LIV account record will be stored
Question: The User wants to do a change interest and does this using a zero auth version. However as the user does not have privileges to approve the overrides, the change interest AAA is moved to INAO status. What will be the status of any existing child transactions for the change interest activity?
1. As the AAA iS in INAO, the resultant child transactions will also be in INAO.2. As the AAA is in INAO, the resultant child transactions will not be created3. Since it is zero auth version, the child transaction Will be authorized.4. As the AAA is in INAO, the resultant child transactions will be in INAU.5.
Answer: As the AAA iS in INAO, the resultant child transactions will also be in INAO.
Question: During back dated Rate Change bank want to reverse the Auto settlement made on the settlement account and then the Auto settlement needs to be replay based on new amount after the new rate has been applied. How the bank will enable this behavior to all his products.
1. Set AUTOMATIC in RECONSTRUCT.SETTLEMENT field in to AA.PARAMETER2. Set Yes in RECONSTRUCT.SETTLEMENT into AA.PARAMETER3. No setup required, the current system behavior will stratifies the bank requirements.4. RECONSTRUCT.SETTLEMENT is a no change field so include all the required product groups into to EXCLUDE.GROUP in AA.PARAMETER5.
Question: Bank wants to capture a customer who is not a legal owner for an arrangement. In T24 which field is used to capture those information.
1. OWNER in Arrangement Activity2. OTHER.PARTY field in Customer Application3. OTHER.PARTY field in Customer Property Class4. OWNER field in Customer property Class5.
Answer: OTHER.PARTY field in Customer Property Class
Question: Choose the most appropriate statement about product currency(CURRENCY in ARPRODUCT.DESIGNER) in AA for an active product which has active arrangements under all of its applicable currencies
1. We can modify the product currency at any time2. Product currency can be added at any time3. Input in this field is mandatory only for financial products4. B & C5.
Answer: Input in this field is mandatory only for financial products
Question: A user is trying to proof a product. While proofing the product the system raises error and prompts the user to setup DAILY.ROUNDING as YES for the interest property. How to resolve is the significance of this setup?
1. Setup the daily rounding in product group.2. This can be resolved by properly configuring the source calc type table.3. This can be resolved by setting DAILY frequency in the AA accrual frequency table.4. This can be resolved by setting DAILY-ROUNDING as YES in the Accrual param table.5.
Answer: This can be resolved by setting DAILY-ROUNDING as YES in the Accrual param table.
Question: In the Activity Restriction property, the values in PERIODIC.RULE are valid entries from which table.
Question: Is it possible to restrict conditions associated with some of the properties at Parent product not to be overwritten at child product?
Question: A bank want to set up loan with fixed rate for first 3 years and then variable. How to configure this in AA product level
1. Through the local customization(By attaching routine) we can modify the rate from Fixed to Variable after 3 years2. Create two condition one for fixed and another one for variable. For an interest property attach both condition and set Effective as 3Y3. For a same condition input both fixed and BI/PI setup together4. It is not configurable in AA5.
Answer: Create two condition one for fixed and another one for variable. For an interest property attach both condition and set Effective as 3Y
Question: The flag "Rebuild Activities" at the product group allows the rebuilding of activities when either there is a new property that is introduced into the group or a new activity class is introduced.
1. TRUE2. FALSE3. 4. 5.
Answer: TRUE
Question: For a deposit arrangement interest payout happen to the customer savings account every month. After interest payout, if there any back dated rate change happen client want to reverse the current payout amount from savings account and the new interest payout amount based on the new rate. But client want this behavior only for a specific product alone. How can we achieve this functionality
1. Yes. RECONSTRUCT.SETTLEMENT as null and specify product into EXCLUDE.GROUP in AAPARAMETER2. Yes. Specify the product into the field RECONSTRUCT.SETTLEMENT in AAPARAMETER3. Yes. RECONSTRUCTSETTLEMENT as AUTOMATIC and specify product into EXCLUDE.GROUP in AAPARAMETER4. We can't restrict to a specific product5. Yes. RECONSTRUCTSETTLEMENT as AUTOMATIC and specify product into EXCLUDE-GROUP in ACCOUNT-PARAMETER